Several Tips For Dealing The Loss Of A Beloved Family Pet
One of the hardest experiences any family has to endure is the loss of a loved family pet. Some people may wonder why this is such a big deal, given that it is a pet rather than a person who died. There are several reasons this can be such a traumatic experience. When someone gets a pet, they often spend a lot of time with that animal and get to know its personality. A bond is formed and memories are made as the animal goes from being a pet to a member of the family. Add to this the fact that when most family pets die, it is the first time a parent sees their child grieve or get a glimpse of death, which can be very upsetting.
There are several things that you and your family can do to try and ease the pain of losing a beloved family pet. One of the best and most therapeutic things you can do for yourself and your family is to be honest about what happened and to be honest about what you are feeling. Everyone is different and everyone grieves in their own unique way. Some individuals, especially children, might clam up and try to lock away their grief. As a parent, you will need to be discerning and gentle with your child while also attempting to draw them out of their shell to talk about how they feel. Let them know it is okay to feel sad or angry and that they can be open with how they feel and that you as a parent are a safe place to turn to for expressing their feelings.
One thing you can do that seems to help a lot of families dealing with the death of a pet is to have a funeral service for the animal. Set up a ceremony where every member of the family can share a fond memory or write a poem about the animal. Doing a ceremony like this enables children and adults alike to get closure in the situation and to express their love for the animal one final time. You can even commemorate the occasion with a comfort gift like a plaque with a picture of the pet on it and a comforting quote or saying on it.
Getting over grief is something that takes a lot of time, so do not rush the healing process for yourself or your children.
There are several things that you and your family can do to try and ease the pain of losing a beloved family pet. One of the best and most therapeutic things you can do for yourself and your family is to be honest about what happened and to be honest about what you are feeling. Everyone is different and everyone grieves in their own unique way. Some individuals, especially children, might clam up and try to lock away their grief. As a parent, you will need to be discerning and gentle with your child while also attempting to draw them out of their shell to talk about how they feel. Let them know it is okay to feel sad or angry and that they can be open with how they feel and that you as a parent are a safe place to turn to for expressing their feelings.
One thing you can do that seems to help a lot of families dealing with the death of a pet is to have a funeral service for the animal. Set up a ceremony where every member of the family can share a fond memory or write a poem about the animal. Doing a ceremony like this enables children and adults alike to get closure in the situation and to express their love for the animal one final time. You can even commemorate the occasion with a comfort gift like a plaque with a picture of the pet on it and a comforting quote or saying on it.
Getting over grief is something that takes a lot of time, so do not rush the healing process for yourself or your children.