Seven Reasons Why Men Stray
Will some men ever learn! Here are 7 things men do that get them in big trouble with the women they say they "love", honour and are devoted to.
When dalliances become public, a man puts himself in in a paradoxically infamous and admired company of men.
Being part of this group is a problem in and of itself.
First, because men admire other men for their sexual conquests however pernicious.
Second, "hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.
No anger is worse than that of a jilted, betrayed wife.
" One part of the man feels that his phallic identity is validated.
The other part -- the big head with the cerebral cortex, the seat of integrity -- is wracked with shame and humiliation (most men will not admit to this).
With mostly high profile business leaders, one of the main issues that comes up over and over again is men's obsessions with the unavailable -- and available -- women in our lives.
It seems that when a woman is available some men lose interest in her fairly quickly after the romance fades.
They get antsy to move on to new passions to conquer.
They are more excited over the chase, than the pleasure of their loved one's company.
Then there is some men's fascination with the unavailable woman.
Many men reluctantly admit that they married their wife because she seemed distant, which kept him more challenged by the chase than the desire to be with her.
Unfortunately almost every man ended up feeling lonely and rejected, which led him straight into the bed of another woman, or women.
One of the other fascinating puzzles about men's dalliances is how, in spite of the evidence, men, when presented with a new, hot, sensually provocative woman, will not even consider the material or emotional pain he is about to bring down on himself and the people around him.
Why do some men do this -- often at the pinnacle of their careers? Note: The majority of men do not stray! Here are -- reasons, not excuses -- simply explanations, from clinical research.
Men are taught to be problem-solvers, not intimate relators.
If ya gotta an itch? Scratch it! Don't let your wife know that your little head is starting to dominate your big head.
Men don't take women seriously.
Wow! If men took women seriously they would never "fool around" on their "loved" ones because men would be incredibly respectful of the woman's, their children and other family members, feelings.
And one's conscious and integrity would make them too terrified of the consequences of betraying this person whom he professes to love and honour.
Men have, contrary to what Freud said: Vagina Envy.
This compels men to enter any and all available dark, warm places.
Which also leads them to the mistaken and really stupidly compelling up belief that men think they "NEED" sex and women should give it to them.
This results in some men doing really stupid things that they later regret.
Men who stray have weak masculine egos.
If men who choose to stray, rather than stay in integrity, had strong, healthy male egos they would not be so mesmerized by by the feminine charms of another woman.
Philanderers mistakenly delude themselves into believing, "If I can 'have' her, I am good, strong and manly.
" Ah! Wrong! Thank you for playing! 5.
Men tend to mysticize women.
In that mystery men are suckers for the feminine veils of "come into my web said the spider to the fly.
" Some women are really, really, really skilled at luring in men's stupid little head.
For them its kinda like shooting fish in a barrel.
They laugh at the men and hold them in disdain over how stupidly easy they can be manipulated.
Men lie when they feel cornered.
Clinical experience says that 98% of men when lie when confronted about having an affair, "I did not have sex with that women!" 7.
Achievement-driven men have a self-perception of brutal omnipotence.
The more successful the man, the more he believes (a) that he will not get caught in an indiscretion because a successful man, is a master of getting out of jams; and (b) that he will be able to talk, lie or denying his way out of it because of his perceived omnipotence, entitlement and self-delusion.
Most men who stray are not bad men.
They're just situational idiots who have a tendency, at the worst possible times to ignore the alarm bells going off in their cerebral cortex -- the seat of rational integrity.
They feel compelled to act on the messages rushing from their amygdala to their groin.
When dalliances become public, a man puts himself in in a paradoxically infamous and admired company of men.
Being part of this group is a problem in and of itself.
First, because men admire other men for their sexual conquests however pernicious.
Second, "hell hath no fury than a woman scorned.
No anger is worse than that of a jilted, betrayed wife.
" One part of the man feels that his phallic identity is validated.
The other part -- the big head with the cerebral cortex, the seat of integrity -- is wracked with shame and humiliation (most men will not admit to this).
With mostly high profile business leaders, one of the main issues that comes up over and over again is men's obsessions with the unavailable -- and available -- women in our lives.
It seems that when a woman is available some men lose interest in her fairly quickly after the romance fades.
They get antsy to move on to new passions to conquer.
They are more excited over the chase, than the pleasure of their loved one's company.
Then there is some men's fascination with the unavailable woman.
Many men reluctantly admit that they married their wife because she seemed distant, which kept him more challenged by the chase than the desire to be with her.
Unfortunately almost every man ended up feeling lonely and rejected, which led him straight into the bed of another woman, or women.
One of the other fascinating puzzles about men's dalliances is how, in spite of the evidence, men, when presented with a new, hot, sensually provocative woman, will not even consider the material or emotional pain he is about to bring down on himself and the people around him.
Why do some men do this -- often at the pinnacle of their careers? Note: The majority of men do not stray! Here are -- reasons, not excuses -- simply explanations, from clinical research.
Men are taught to be problem-solvers, not intimate relators.
If ya gotta an itch? Scratch it! Don't let your wife know that your little head is starting to dominate your big head.
Men don't take women seriously.
Wow! If men took women seriously they would never "fool around" on their "loved" ones because men would be incredibly respectful of the woman's, their children and other family members, feelings.
And one's conscious and integrity would make them too terrified of the consequences of betraying this person whom he professes to love and honour.
Men have, contrary to what Freud said: Vagina Envy.
This compels men to enter any and all available dark, warm places.
Which also leads them to the mistaken and really stupidly compelling up belief that men think they "NEED" sex and women should give it to them.
This results in some men doing really stupid things that they later regret.
Men who stray have weak masculine egos.
If men who choose to stray, rather than stay in integrity, had strong, healthy male egos they would not be so mesmerized by by the feminine charms of another woman.
Philanderers mistakenly delude themselves into believing, "If I can 'have' her, I am good, strong and manly.
" Ah! Wrong! Thank you for playing! 5.
Men tend to mysticize women.
In that mystery men are suckers for the feminine veils of "come into my web said the spider to the fly.
" Some women are really, really, really skilled at luring in men's stupid little head.
For them its kinda like shooting fish in a barrel.
They laugh at the men and hold them in disdain over how stupidly easy they can be manipulated.
Men lie when they feel cornered.
Clinical experience says that 98% of men when lie when confronted about having an affair, "I did not have sex with that women!" 7.
Achievement-driven men have a self-perception of brutal omnipotence.
The more successful the man, the more he believes (a) that he will not get caught in an indiscretion because a successful man, is a master of getting out of jams; and (b) that he will be able to talk, lie or denying his way out of it because of his perceived omnipotence, entitlement and self-delusion.
Most men who stray are not bad men.
They're just situational idiots who have a tendency, at the worst possible times to ignore the alarm bells going off in their cerebral cortex -- the seat of rational integrity.
They feel compelled to act on the messages rushing from their amygdala to their groin.