One Quick Exercise to Lose Weight in 7 Days
- To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in through diet and exercise. An interval workout consists of alternating high intensity exercise with low intensity exercise. The repeated, continuous switch from high to low intensity cardio will burn more calories than a workout that keeps the heart at a steady rate, according to a study conducted at the University of Guelph in Ontario in 2006. For your safety, only perform high intensity workouts if you are within an acceptable range of cardiovascular and physical health, as deemed by your physician.
- An interval workout that requires little preparation and costs no money is alternating running and walking or even jogging and sprinting, depending on your exercise level. You can do this activity outside, or on a treadmill. Begin by running or walking for three minutes at a lower speed, followed by five minutes of high-intensity cardio-like jogging. Repeat for 30 minutes if possible. Remember to warm up and cool down with several minutes of low-intensity cardio before and after the workout. Be sure to stretch afterward.
- If you wish to build more muscle during this one-week timeframe, you may wish to try an interval workout that incorporates weight training with cardio. An example of this workout would be jogging in place or up and down bleacher steps for 3 minutes followed by various weight training exercises for 2 minutes. This cycle should then be repeated for up to 30 minutes. Weight training exercises that burn fat and build muscle simultaneously include lunges and squats for the lower body, crunches for the abdomen and push-ups and bicep curls for the arms, back and shoulders. The faster you perform your weight training exercise, the more calories you will burn during this workout. You may wish to meet with a personal trainer who can show you the correct forms for these exercises, so you can avoid injury.
- Remember that however much weight you may be trying to lose, nutritionists consider it unsafe to lose more than five or even three pounds in one week. If you do not follow a healthy diet during these seven days, you will be less likely to lose weight. Follow a diet rich in whole grains (breads cereals, pasta, crackers), lean protein (baked or broiled skinless chicken breast, fish or beef tenderloin), vegetables and fruits (all kinds), low-fat dairy (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk), nuts (all kinds, unsalted), beans (dried and cooked) and use oils sparingly. An excellent diet to follow while trying to lose weight is the USDA approved DASH diet, which includes the above foods and promotes regular exercise.
General Guidelines
Interval Cardio Method
Interval Cadio and Weight Training Method
Incorporate a Healthy Diet