Darling, You"re Divine
Is that the way you think of yourself when you look in the mirror first thing in the morning?I invite you to do so.
It will change your day.
Does it seem presumptuous or arrogant or ...
? For many of us, we were brought up to think we did not count for much.
I remember one of my mother's seemingly favorite questions being "Who do you think you are, young lady?" You might have a similar memory.
I know there is great freedom, prosperity and joy waiting for you on the other side of any question of your divine nature.
Once you can accept this right down to your toes, life changes.
I know because I experienced it and you will, too.
We measure ourselves against others, or, we've been taught to.
Perhaps you've already overcome that obstacle.
It's a big mistake.
I remember hearing the story of Albert Schweitzer, the amazing medical missionary, who was asked late in life if he was afraid of dying.
He was reported to have said, "I'm not afraid of dying.
I'm a little afraid of St.
Peter's questions, though.
" "How so?" said the reporter.
"I'm not afraid of St.
Peter asking me why I wasn't Albert Einstein.
That's easy.
I'm afraid he might ask me why I wasn't Albert Schweitzer.
" Think about that! We are supposed to be us, not someone else, not someone else's idea of who we are supposed to be.
We are here to make our unique contribution, not anyone else's.
That's truly the "opportunity of a lifetime!" We have a lifetime to step up and be fully expressing who we are, yet many people keep themselves so busy they avoid finding out.
Recently, I've been struck by the number of people who tell me they are so busy they are exhausted.
They are usually a little taken aback when I ask them why they choose that.
There they were, all ready to tell me their tale of constant activity and pressure and I'm not ready to hear.
In fact, I'm not even very willing to hear because they are the ones keeping themselves so busy.
The world is not doing it no matter how much they would like me to think so.
Does that sound a little tough to you? It will if you cannot see that you are choosing what you do, say and think every moment and be responsible for it.
There is no one running after you with a pitchfork prodding you on...
unless you allow them to.
There is no one deciding what you think...
unless you allow them to.
There is no one making any decisions in your life but you.
You are choosing your life just as it is.
If you are not experiencing joy, delight, love and prosperity, change your thinking.
Remembering that, would you treat yourself differently? I hope so.
Would your interests, attention and expectations change? I think so.
Are you willing to accept the absolute best in your life? Are you expecting to? That's the key.
When you know you are divinely connected, everything is possible...
everything good.
If you have taken my four-week teleseminar program, Midas Thinking, you'll know that there is a way to move towards accepting the best for yourself in every way.
Once you change your perspective and your consciousness about that, life is forever changed.
You know one of my favorite sayings is "Once you are conscious you were unconscious, you can never be unconscious again!" That's the truth.
Become a Midas Thinker! Seek, see, select and savor the riches and richness of life.
You are that richness right here and now.
DARLING, YOU'RE DIVINE! By Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, Founder.
It will change your day.
Does it seem presumptuous or arrogant or ...
? For many of us, we were brought up to think we did not count for much.
I remember one of my mother's seemingly favorite questions being "Who do you think you are, young lady?" You might have a similar memory.
I know there is great freedom, prosperity and joy waiting for you on the other side of any question of your divine nature.
Once you can accept this right down to your toes, life changes.
I know because I experienced it and you will, too.
We measure ourselves against others, or, we've been taught to.
Perhaps you've already overcome that obstacle.
It's a big mistake.
I remember hearing the story of Albert Schweitzer, the amazing medical missionary, who was asked late in life if he was afraid of dying.
He was reported to have said, "I'm not afraid of dying.
I'm a little afraid of St.
Peter's questions, though.
" "How so?" said the reporter.
"I'm not afraid of St.
Peter asking me why I wasn't Albert Einstein.
That's easy.
I'm afraid he might ask me why I wasn't Albert Schweitzer.
" Think about that! We are supposed to be us, not someone else, not someone else's idea of who we are supposed to be.
We are here to make our unique contribution, not anyone else's.
That's truly the "opportunity of a lifetime!" We have a lifetime to step up and be fully expressing who we are, yet many people keep themselves so busy they avoid finding out.
Recently, I've been struck by the number of people who tell me they are so busy they are exhausted.
They are usually a little taken aback when I ask them why they choose that.
There they were, all ready to tell me their tale of constant activity and pressure and I'm not ready to hear.
In fact, I'm not even very willing to hear because they are the ones keeping themselves so busy.
The world is not doing it no matter how much they would like me to think so.
Does that sound a little tough to you? It will if you cannot see that you are choosing what you do, say and think every moment and be responsible for it.
There is no one running after you with a pitchfork prodding you on...
unless you allow them to.
There is no one deciding what you think...
unless you allow them to.
There is no one making any decisions in your life but you.
You are choosing your life just as it is.
If you are not experiencing joy, delight, love and prosperity, change your thinking.
Remembering that, would you treat yourself differently? I hope so.
Would your interests, attention and expectations change? I think so.
Are you willing to accept the absolute best in your life? Are you expecting to? That's the key.
When you know you are divinely connected, everything is possible...
everything good.
If you have taken my four-week teleseminar program, Midas Thinking, you'll know that there is a way to move towards accepting the best for yourself in every way.
Once you change your perspective and your consciousness about that, life is forever changed.
You know one of my favorite sayings is "Once you are conscious you were unconscious, you can never be unconscious again!" That's the truth.
Become a Midas Thinker! Seek, see, select and savor the riches and richness of life.
You are that richness right here and now.
DARLING, YOU'RE DIVINE! By Rhoberta Shaler, PhD, Founder.