How to Get the Right Forearm on Plane in the Golf Swing - It"s Easier Than You Think!
In golf there are so many different factors that can either force a golfer to win or lose, perform poorly or great.
The key to a perfect game is understanding these factors and utilizing them to your advantage every time you go out on the green.
Pro golfers and amateurs alike have questions about how they can improve their game and create a better winning streak for themselves.
One of the most popular questions a golfer asks is how to get the right forearm on the plane in the golf swing.
This is a critical part of golf, as there is so many, but key to winning and doing well.
First of all you'll want to know that you cannot achieve the proper forearm position if your right shoulder is restricted and won't turn in the appropriate way.
When on plane your right forearm is in a unique position to hit the ball, placing the club in a great way to hit the ball and let it travel far in the downswing.
When it comes to how accurately you hit the ball your body is everything, so you want to make sure it's able to do everything that is demanded of it.
Because of this your main restriction is yourself, so make sure you are in shape.
The real key to hitting a ball correctly is to make sure all of the muscles you use in hitting a ball are properly stretched and exercised.
Most golfers miss this aspect of golfing.
It's happened time and time again, a golfer attempts to do a full backswing but his body just won't allow him.
It's pointless to try if your body can't perform the tasks it needs to.
This is key to hitting the ball correctly and to having a good game.
And it's the same thing with your right forearm when you swing the club.
To swing properly, your right shoulder should be externally rotating and allowing your forearm to be on the plane.
It's important that you can perform this essential function in golf or else you're already sunk.
The key to a perfect game is understanding these factors and utilizing them to your advantage every time you go out on the green.
Pro golfers and amateurs alike have questions about how they can improve their game and create a better winning streak for themselves.
One of the most popular questions a golfer asks is how to get the right forearm on the plane in the golf swing.
This is a critical part of golf, as there is so many, but key to winning and doing well.
First of all you'll want to know that you cannot achieve the proper forearm position if your right shoulder is restricted and won't turn in the appropriate way.
When on plane your right forearm is in a unique position to hit the ball, placing the club in a great way to hit the ball and let it travel far in the downswing.
When it comes to how accurately you hit the ball your body is everything, so you want to make sure it's able to do everything that is demanded of it.
Because of this your main restriction is yourself, so make sure you are in shape.
The real key to hitting a ball correctly is to make sure all of the muscles you use in hitting a ball are properly stretched and exercised.
Most golfers miss this aspect of golfing.
It's happened time and time again, a golfer attempts to do a full backswing but his body just won't allow him.
It's pointless to try if your body can't perform the tasks it needs to.
This is key to hitting the ball correctly and to having a good game.
And it's the same thing with your right forearm when you swing the club.
To swing properly, your right shoulder should be externally rotating and allowing your forearm to be on the plane.
It's important that you can perform this essential function in golf or else you're already sunk.