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Eyes - How Do You Protect Them From Degeneration?

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My father in law is 91 years of age.
He has enjoyed good health most of his life up until he reached his 80th birthday.
Since then his health has still been pretty good compared to most.
No doubt a factor in his good health has been due to him being a keen gardener and up until recently grew all his own organic vegetables.
BUT, about a year ago his eyesight started to fail, and he is now blind! It's certainly traumatic having to cope with a world of darkness after 90 years of light! He can no longer read, watch TV and of course he cannot drive any more.
As a result his quality of life has taken a significant downturn for the worse and he says he is now ready to 'move on'.
But, on the positive side he feels he has had a good life and has no regrets.
It's likely that this will not be to far away as once the will to live goes, the body starts shutting down and that is happening to him now.
I often reflect on his situation and ask myself if his blindness could have been prevented? Knowing what I know now I can confident that the answer to this is yes.
Unfortunately, eight years ago when my son and I founded a company with my knowledge about these things was pretty minimal and as such my ability to help at that time was limited.
His Doctor was prescribing a number of drugs back then and I was not in any position at that time to debate the merits or otherwise of what he was taking.
I do know that some of the drugs had potential interactions with our Total Balance and as such he never got to experience the benefits that this supplement could have given him.
I have since learned that the long term side effects of the drugs may have been one of the contributors to his current state of blindness.
Hindsight of course is a wonderful thing but it often only comes with knowledge accumulated in the intervening period.
For example, prescription drugs were largely responsible for the death of my Mother at 89...
that is another story.
What I do know is that she could have had many more quality years had I known then what I know now.
It is of course too late to help my Mum or my father in law, or indeed if I go further back to before my Dad died, I could include him as well.
But, it is not to late to help other people who are at a stage in their lives where these degenerative diseases have not yet manifested themselves.
We all have them to some degree and the secret is keeping them latent.
This is possible IF, appropriate steps are taken early enough.
Because I don't want to turn this article into a book I will just focus the rest of it on the eyes because this is what prompted the article in the first place.
It's not too late for most of us! Most of us take our eyesight for granted, until it starts to fail.
Like a stone rolling down a hill once it starts it continues to gather momentum! The same principles apply to degenerative diseases...
once they are diagnosed they are hard to stop, but they can often be slowed down.
The key is to try and stop it getting to the point that they are advanced enough to be diagnosed.
Remember that just because you have not been diagnosed with a particular ailment such as cancer or an eye disease does not mean that you don't have it.
In fact, cancers are within all of us to a lesser or greater degree.
Your eyes are in a constant state of degeneration.
The rate at which that takes place is dependent upon the amount of ammunition your body has to fight the degeneration.
In our younger years there is usually enough basic ammunition to keep the rate of degeneration quite slow.
But, as the years move on the not only is the intake of nutrients (ammunition) reduced, but also the UPTAKE of these nutrients is greatly reduced by less effective digestive systems and lack of essential enzymes.
Evidence of this is in the amount of eye diseases present in the population.
Consider these facts: * 45 million people worldwide are blind; 135 million have impaired vision.
(American Academy of Ophthalmology, AAO).
* Every 5 seconds 1 person goes blind; 1 child goes blind every minute (AAO).
More than 1.
5 million of these are due to various nutritional deficiencies, or unnecessary infections.
* Unless preventative action is taken 100 million people will lose their sight unnecessarily by 2020.
* Over 2.
3 million Americans are visually impaired; over 1 million Americans over 40 are blind from eye disease.
* 17% of Americans aged 45 or older report some type of vision impairment.
This rises with age to 26% at age 75 and older.
* 5 million Americans have vision problems related to diabetes.
Pretty sobering isn't it? OK, so what can you do? Well do what I do! Provide your eyes with the ammunition they need to fight degeneration! This means ensuring that you have a reasonable intake of the essential nutrients that 'feed' your eyes and keep them healthy.
The key ones are Zeaxanthin, Lutein, Bilberry Extract, N-Acetyl Cysteine, L-Carnosine, Beta Carotene plus trace elements such as Molybdenum, various Vitamins and a host of other Co-Factors such as Enzymes to ensure bio-availability.
Yes, you may be thinking, but do these nutrients really work? Well, they do for me! I recently had an eye exam and the optician was really quite amazed at the health of my eyes.
So, how do I get the 'ammunition'? Simple, all these nutrients are in Total Balance, and a lot more which help the eyes but I have not mentioned here.
The benefits that Total Balance has given to my eyes are not unique.
We frequently get reports from customers who have astonished their opticians by improving their eyesight just through Total Balance.
But, none of this is surprising.
Even the National Eye Institute believes that half of all blindness can be prevented.
Of course lifestyle choices such as smoking, diet and excess alcohol consumption are often cited as culprits but even the National Eye Institute acknowledge that a lack of anti-oxidants which are the 'ammunition' that I referred to earlier is also a significant cause.
(By the way, the blindness being experienced by my father in law is not as a result of any negative lifestyle choices.
) Here is a simple example of just how one nutrient (anti-oxidant) I mentioned earlier can help your eyes.
Lutein! Consider this: In one Harvard study, a diet of 6 milligrams of lutein per day led to a 57 per cent lower prevalence of Aged Macular Degeneration, leading the study's authors to suggest a diet high in lutein to lower the risk of contracting AMD.
Now this is just one nutrient and a relatively weak one at that.
There are dozens more studies supporting the efficacy of the nutrients that I mentioned above.
By the way we have 5mgs a day of Lutein in a full dose of Total Balance.
It becomes even more effective when it is combined with the other ingredients I mentioned above.
It is no miracle that Total Balance helps your eyes...
it is pure science that it does.
Add our Omega 3 to your daily Total Balance regime as well and you will be doing your eyes an even bigger favor.
In good health and may you keep your good eyesight.

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