The Secret to a Younger and Smarter You
The reasons for looking older than your age will not be too far to find. Urban areas offer many luxuries including good food, drinks, and bad habits. Combine them with hectic lifestyles and stress and you end up with a stranger in your mirror that you find difficult to recognize. You will notice that even your posture does not seem to be upright any longer.
Crash diets are not going to work, in case you are thinking of going on one. You end up eating double of what you actually should, and grow more overweight. Exercises have to tackle specific areas of your body; otherwise they are of no use. Secondly, you might not be very regular with them. You might decide to take up brisk walking or jogging; but again, they will work only if you are regular. However, despite all this, if you are still serious about going back in time and reverting to an earlier YOU, then you can turn to Yoga.
Right from ancient times, Yoga has been held in great esteem by people across the globe. Those who indulge in Yoga exercises regularly, swear by its ability to delay the aging process. The evidence is there for all to see, considering that these individuals exhibit healthy-looking skin and glowing faces.
There are numerous benefits that Yoga can offer via its varied poses/asanas and breathing techniques. If you are a beginner, you are not going to find it easy at first. You have to get all those rigid sleeping muscles back into action! Also, do not overstrain at the beginning itself; do take a break as soon as you experience pain or discomfort.
As you stick to your regular routine with determination, you will notice marvelous changes within your body as time goes on. The abdominal muscles become firm and supple, the spine attains greater flexibility, posture is improved, and the skin tone and texture come back to their original state. People get to see a younger-looking YOU! What more could you ask for?
The best thing about Yoga is that there is no age barrier; it can be taken up anytime. The secret lies in regularity. It would be advisable to concentrate on stretching and breathing exercises, as your primary aim is to delay the aging process. If you have health issues, then you would be wise to consult your personal physician beforehand; do not jump into exercising straightaway.
Not only will Yoga halt the aging process to a significant limit, but also help you get back lost mental capacities. Yoga improves memory and concentration too. It is a complete rejuvenation of body, mind and spirit. Even if you are above 45 or 55, you will end up looking ten years younger. Stay away from any kind of exercise, and you will end up looking ten years older than your actual age.
So, when are you planning to start?
Crash diets are not going to work, in case you are thinking of going on one. You end up eating double of what you actually should, and grow more overweight. Exercises have to tackle specific areas of your body; otherwise they are of no use. Secondly, you might not be very regular with them. You might decide to take up brisk walking or jogging; but again, they will work only if you are regular. However, despite all this, if you are still serious about going back in time and reverting to an earlier YOU, then you can turn to Yoga.
Right from ancient times, Yoga has been held in great esteem by people across the globe. Those who indulge in Yoga exercises regularly, swear by its ability to delay the aging process. The evidence is there for all to see, considering that these individuals exhibit healthy-looking skin and glowing faces.
There are numerous benefits that Yoga can offer via its varied poses/asanas and breathing techniques. If you are a beginner, you are not going to find it easy at first. You have to get all those rigid sleeping muscles back into action! Also, do not overstrain at the beginning itself; do take a break as soon as you experience pain or discomfort.
As you stick to your regular routine with determination, you will notice marvelous changes within your body as time goes on. The abdominal muscles become firm and supple, the spine attains greater flexibility, posture is improved, and the skin tone and texture come back to their original state. People get to see a younger-looking YOU! What more could you ask for?
The best thing about Yoga is that there is no age barrier; it can be taken up anytime. The secret lies in regularity. It would be advisable to concentrate on stretching and breathing exercises, as your primary aim is to delay the aging process. If you have health issues, then you would be wise to consult your personal physician beforehand; do not jump into exercising straightaway.
Not only will Yoga halt the aging process to a significant limit, but also help you get back lost mental capacities. Yoga improves memory and concentration too. It is a complete rejuvenation of body, mind and spirit. Even if you are above 45 or 55, you will end up looking ten years younger. Stay away from any kind of exercise, and you will end up looking ten years older than your actual age.
So, when are you planning to start?