The Best Way to Plant Grass Seed on an Old Lawn
- 1). Rake the existing lawn thoroughly so any bare patches are visible. Pull up any loose patches of grass with the rake. Dispose of any leaves or grass patches as compost. Go over the spots to be seeded twice, once horizontally and once vertically. According to lawn expert Denny McKeown of Denny's Guide, you need to remove all weeds and vegetation to effectively plant new grass seed.
- 2). Cover the lawn with compost to fertilize the new grass seed. Cover the entire lawn area with no more than 1 inch of compost. Save enough compost to sprinkle on the seed after it's sown.
- 3). Water the composted lawn in sprayer fashion. Wet the grass just enough to moisten the soil. Wait 15 minutes before the next step.
- 4). Use your hands to scatter the grass seed over the entire lawn. Make sure you don't step on the new seed. Don't over-seed to avoid thatching. A rule of thumb for old lawns is to use roughly half the amount of seed suggested on the bag.
- 5). Sprinkle the leftover compost on your grass seed. Cover with a standard grass canvas, which will allow for the proper amount of sunlight.
- 6). Water your fresh seed once more with a hose sprayer. Repeat this every day that it doesn't rain to avoid dryness. Wait until the new grass blades are a few inches before fertilizing normally. Mow the new lawn once it's 3 inches high.