Make Money Work for Marriage: Power Couple Basics Training
Couples spend more time arguing about money than anything else in a relationship.
Even more than sex! So what can you do about it? You can make a change and start making money work with your marriage instead of against it.
Anyone in a relationship of value has dreams of being that power couple, at the very least of your neighborhood.
To become that couple you have to start with the basics.
Empower yourself Have you heard of the placebo effect? Whenever researchers want to test out a new drug they introduce said drug to a group of people, then maybe they introduce an alternative form of said drug to another group of people, finally they introduce the placebo which is really maybe something like a water pill.
According to researchers there aren't any drugs on the market today that can outperform the placebo effect.
People can heal themselves from illnesses better than medicines on the market! That goes to show you how powerful the mind is.
I'm not saying to stop taking medicine, please don't put that on me.
I'm only saying that once you and your spouse put your mind to it, the galaxy is the limit.
Have a good sit down convo with your spouse and come on one accord to overcome your financial issues.
Once you've done that...
Make Money Work for You, Not You Work for Money When I first learned this point from reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki (huge recommendation btw) I was thinking, "what the hell does that even mean!?" But I soon came to the understanding that it means to take control.
A lot of us are working jobs that we don't really care for, we get up every day with the same routine commute, punch in, punch out, commute, sleep do it again.
Then payday comes around.
What happens to your money? It all goes to bills and the little you're left with you take and try to get some enjoyment out of life.
A better idea would be to put some of that money to work for you.
Start with some small investments in large companies and keep building on them.
Without risk there is no reward is what they say right? If you don't like the stock market that's fine but the point is to put the money you work so hard for to work for you.
Invest in assets because assets make you money, not liabilities which lose your money.
Robert Kiyosaki takes a deeper direction on what I'm steering you towards but I'm giving the basics, more of a launching pad than a plan.
In order to increase money to put towards assets to make you more money you're going to need to...
Know what you are paying for: Build a budget! What's the biggest difference between the rich and the poor, besides money? The biggest difference is they know exactly where every cent of their money goes and we don't.
It seems like a simple concept, I mean, we actually have less money to keep track of but yet we still can't grasp it.
The simplest way to know where every dime of you money goes is to make and keep a budget.
Allocate categories for everything down to the change that you receive on your check.
You can do your budget monthly, weekly, or even quarterly it's whatever works for you best.
Try it out to see what works for you and your spouse then come to an agreement to carry out the plan.
Make keeping receipts a part of your financial budget plan.
That way you know what you spent your money on and you know how much taxes you paid over the year (which is another subject).
Take the knowledge you gain from your budget and start making cuts where you overspend.
Put the savings toward buying more assets to build more income! In order for these points to work you have to...
Follow through Consistency is the glue that will keep your empire together.
Once you have your plan in place and you and your spouse are in agreement, stick to it and never stop.
You will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor once your assets are producing enough income that you can go on that dream vacation or buy that new car.
As long as your assets out-weigh and outperform your liabilities you will be fine.
Just like working to keep a relationship together is hard work, so is keeping finances together.
Stay consistent and you will be that power couple that you set out to be.
Below I have provided some resources to get you started on your road to financial freedom.
Use these tools to get that power couple status! Up, Up, and Away!!!
Even more than sex! So what can you do about it? You can make a change and start making money work with your marriage instead of against it.
Anyone in a relationship of value has dreams of being that power couple, at the very least of your neighborhood.
To become that couple you have to start with the basics.
Empower yourself Have you heard of the placebo effect? Whenever researchers want to test out a new drug they introduce said drug to a group of people, then maybe they introduce an alternative form of said drug to another group of people, finally they introduce the placebo which is really maybe something like a water pill.
According to researchers there aren't any drugs on the market today that can outperform the placebo effect.
People can heal themselves from illnesses better than medicines on the market! That goes to show you how powerful the mind is.
I'm not saying to stop taking medicine, please don't put that on me.
I'm only saying that once you and your spouse put your mind to it, the galaxy is the limit.
Have a good sit down convo with your spouse and come on one accord to overcome your financial issues.
Once you've done that...
Make Money Work for You, Not You Work for Money When I first learned this point from reading "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki (huge recommendation btw) I was thinking, "what the hell does that even mean!?" But I soon came to the understanding that it means to take control.
A lot of us are working jobs that we don't really care for, we get up every day with the same routine commute, punch in, punch out, commute, sleep do it again.
Then payday comes around.
What happens to your money? It all goes to bills and the little you're left with you take and try to get some enjoyment out of life.
A better idea would be to put some of that money to work for you.
Start with some small investments in large companies and keep building on them.
Without risk there is no reward is what they say right? If you don't like the stock market that's fine but the point is to put the money you work so hard for to work for you.
Invest in assets because assets make you money, not liabilities which lose your money.
Robert Kiyosaki takes a deeper direction on what I'm steering you towards but I'm giving the basics, more of a launching pad than a plan.
In order to increase money to put towards assets to make you more money you're going to need to...
Know what you are paying for: Build a budget! What's the biggest difference between the rich and the poor, besides money? The biggest difference is they know exactly where every cent of their money goes and we don't.
It seems like a simple concept, I mean, we actually have less money to keep track of but yet we still can't grasp it.
The simplest way to know where every dime of you money goes is to make and keep a budget.
Allocate categories for everything down to the change that you receive on your check.
You can do your budget monthly, weekly, or even quarterly it's whatever works for you best.
Try it out to see what works for you and your spouse then come to an agreement to carry out the plan.
Make keeping receipts a part of your financial budget plan.
That way you know what you spent your money on and you know how much taxes you paid over the year (which is another subject).
Take the knowledge you gain from your budget and start making cuts where you overspend.
Put the savings toward buying more assets to build more income! In order for these points to work you have to...
Follow through Consistency is the glue that will keep your empire together.
Once you have your plan in place and you and your spouse are in agreement, stick to it and never stop.
You will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor once your assets are producing enough income that you can go on that dream vacation or buy that new car.
As long as your assets out-weigh and outperform your liabilities you will be fine.
Just like working to keep a relationship together is hard work, so is keeping finances together.
Stay consistent and you will be that power couple that you set out to be.
Below I have provided some resources to get you started on your road to financial freedom.
Use these tools to get that power couple status! Up, Up, and Away!!!