The Best Ways to Practice for the DMV Sign Test
- All states have a copy of the "Rules of the Road," available at the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or the public library. Obtain a copy of the book and study the signs carefully. Books should contain a practice test. Take the test as many times as necessary until you feel confident enough in your knowledge to sit for the actual exam. According to, there are over 600 federally regulated traffic signs. Your state won't require to know that many, only the ones most commonly used in that state. However you would still be wise to learn a few traffic signs not included in your state's "Rules of the Road," just in case one pops up on the exam.
- Websites also offer free practice exams for the DMV sign tests, such as and Take the test as many times as you need to.
- While you're out walking, riding or driving around, pay attention to each road sign you see. Speak what the sign means out loud if you're alone; if you're with someone, ask them to guess what the sign means and make it into a game. Keep a copy of the "Rules of the Road" with you so you can check your answers. If you're wrong, memorize the correct meaning of the sign.
- You can create a visual aid for yourself to help practice for the DMV sign test. Obtain a bulletin board and different colored construction paper. Create paper replicas of all the signs you'll be tested on and pin them to the bulletin board. With tiny slips of paper, write the name of each sign. Every time you study, pin the name of each sign under the sign itself. Check the "Rules of the Road" to see if you got the answers correct. Study the ones you got wrong and keep testing yourself until you're confident enough to sit for the DMV test.
Study the Rules of the Road
Take Online Exams
Use Sign Recognition
Create a Bulletin Board