Michigan Cell Phone Laws While Driving
- Michigan is taking steps to prevent the use of cell phones while driving.cell phone call image by Donald Joski from Fotolia.com
Using a cell phone while driving can be a dangerous habit. Talking on the phone or sending text messages while operating a vehicle can distract the driver and keep their hands away from the wheel and their eyes off the road. Many states have started tackling the public safety issue, and law enforcement has begun to crack down on individuals who choose to use a cell phone while driving. Michigan is one state that is beginning to take a look at the issue and taking action to prevent traffic accidents. - Michigan does not have a law outright banning the use of a cellular telephone while operating a vehicle. However, because of other laws, an individual who commits a traffic violation or is in an accident as a result of cell phone use can be charged with careless driving or other lesser violations. While there is no law blanketing the state, according to the Michigan State Police, some local and county governments are beginning to enact ordinances prohibiting cell phone use while driving. Typically, a sign will be posted informing travelers of local cell phone laws if any exist.
- Texting while driving is on the minds of Michigan lawmakers. The Michigan State Senate approved a texting while driving ban in January of 2010, and the House of Representatives is expected to follow suit. The ban could allow for law enforcement to pull an individual over if they witness them in the act of sending or reading messages on their cell phone. It could also allow police to issue a ticket for the act on top of other offenses like speeding or careless driving.
- In 2006, the Detroit City Council passed a local law that bans the use of cell phones while driving without the use of a hands-free headset. The ban allows police to issue a ticket for the offense only if the individual was pulled over for another offense such as speeding. For the violation, an individual can be fined up to $100 and will be responsible for court costs.
Cell Phone Use
Detroit Cell Phone Ban