"How I Cured My Acne Overnight" - Are the Stories Legit?
Many are looking on the net for "how I cured my acne overnight" stories.
I'm going to level with you-there might be some out there who've achieved success in one night...
but they are few and far between.
Don't get me wrong-you can and will see results in 1-3 days when you use the correct techniques.
But completely eliminating your acne forever in a single night is pushing the envelope.
Having said that, here are the 2 GUARANTEED strategies for seeing results in 24-72 hours.
STEP #1) Do NOT use medications Trust me-they do more harm than good.
During my teenager years I used bottle after bottle of store bought medications (I won't reveal the brand).
At first my skin cleared up-and I thought my problem was over.
However, my zits soon returned again with a vengeance-and they were 10 times worse than before.
Was this an isolated instance? No it wasn't.
After going online I read of many others who had the same experience using medications.
So why don't medications work? It's simple-they don't address the real cause of pimples.
Your pimples are NOT there because of dirty or oily skin...
they are there because of clogged pores.
And clogged pores are not solved by putting something on your face to COVER things up.
The only solution is-you guessed it-to unclog them.
How is this achieved? By implementing...
STEP #2) Eat natural foods Simply by eating healthier and exercising.
Your pores get clogged when you put too many processed and artificial foods in your body.
When you make it a point to eat more natural foods (particularly HIGH WATER content foods) you should see an amazing difference.
You might not cure your acne overnight but you will see results in 24-72 hours.
I'm going to level with you-there might be some out there who've achieved success in one night...
but they are few and far between.
Don't get me wrong-you can and will see results in 1-3 days when you use the correct techniques.
But completely eliminating your acne forever in a single night is pushing the envelope.
Having said that, here are the 2 GUARANTEED strategies for seeing results in 24-72 hours.
STEP #1) Do NOT use medications Trust me-they do more harm than good.
During my teenager years I used bottle after bottle of store bought medications (I won't reveal the brand).
At first my skin cleared up-and I thought my problem was over.
However, my zits soon returned again with a vengeance-and they were 10 times worse than before.
Was this an isolated instance? No it wasn't.
After going online I read of many others who had the same experience using medications.
So why don't medications work? It's simple-they don't address the real cause of pimples.
Your pimples are NOT there because of dirty or oily skin...
they are there because of clogged pores.
And clogged pores are not solved by putting something on your face to COVER things up.
The only solution is-you guessed it-to unclog them.
How is this achieved? By implementing...
STEP #2) Eat natural foods Simply by eating healthier and exercising.
Your pores get clogged when you put too many processed and artificial foods in your body.
When you make it a point to eat more natural foods (particularly HIGH WATER content foods) you should see an amazing difference.
You might not cure your acne overnight but you will see results in 24-72 hours.