Are We Really That Dumb?
I keep hearing that our political leaders refuse to address the global warming crisis in any meaningful way.
One would think that with all the attention that has been brought to this global problem, the "leaders" of our country would pay close attention rather than give it short shrift.
OK, at the moment, it's the economy stupid, however, if the congress decided to give more than lip service to solving the problems, they might just stimulate job growth.
Instead of pouring money into saving banks and big business, giving a monetary boost to the alternative energy sector would create more jobs and a stronger national economy.
Sure some money might have to be spent on retraining the workers who lost their jobs, but the infrastructure for that already exists in the form of the unemployment offices now in existence.
Money spent to retrain these workers is an investment in the future that would have a large return on the money spent.
Another major area of possibilities for a large ROI is the health care disaster the USA is facing.
Not only is the insurance industry raping us, but we are facing a shortage of nursing professionals.
The PBS show "Now" did a piece on this recently.
Having recently been hospitalized, I appreciate how important good nurses are in the recovery of patients.
I was fortunate to have had great nursing care twice this past year.
Believe me that it was the nursing staff at both of the hospitals I was in that made a huge difference in my recovery.
The government has to address these issues so that our country can maintain its well deserved reputation as a leader in health care worldwide.
I remember not too many years back, when people from foreign countries were coming here for medical treatments.
We the people need to take back control of our government.
Today it is easy to express your opinions.
You can blog as I do and you can write to your congress persons and let them know how feel about these and the other issues that are important to you.
Simply go on line and search for your congressional delegate's name.
If you don't know who your representatives are search by your state.
Each representative and senator has a web page on which you can send them and email.
Some of them will even send you a news letter once you have expressed yourself.
I have faith that as a group, Americans are not really that dumb.
We just need the correct stimulus to rise to the occasion.
Now is the time and I hope that this article will be your stimulus to take back our government.
One would think that with all the attention that has been brought to this global problem, the "leaders" of our country would pay close attention rather than give it short shrift.
OK, at the moment, it's the economy stupid, however, if the congress decided to give more than lip service to solving the problems, they might just stimulate job growth.
Instead of pouring money into saving banks and big business, giving a monetary boost to the alternative energy sector would create more jobs and a stronger national economy.
Sure some money might have to be spent on retraining the workers who lost their jobs, but the infrastructure for that already exists in the form of the unemployment offices now in existence.
Money spent to retrain these workers is an investment in the future that would have a large return on the money spent.
Another major area of possibilities for a large ROI is the health care disaster the USA is facing.
Not only is the insurance industry raping us, but we are facing a shortage of nursing professionals.
The PBS show "Now" did a piece on this recently.
Having recently been hospitalized, I appreciate how important good nurses are in the recovery of patients.
I was fortunate to have had great nursing care twice this past year.
Believe me that it was the nursing staff at both of the hospitals I was in that made a huge difference in my recovery.
The government has to address these issues so that our country can maintain its well deserved reputation as a leader in health care worldwide.
I remember not too many years back, when people from foreign countries were coming here for medical treatments.
We the people need to take back control of our government.
Today it is easy to express your opinions.
You can blog as I do and you can write to your congress persons and let them know how feel about these and the other issues that are important to you.
Simply go on line and search for your congressional delegate's name.
If you don't know who your representatives are search by your state.
Each representative and senator has a web page on which you can send them and email.
Some of them will even send you a news letter once you have expressed yourself.
I have faith that as a group, Americans are not really that dumb.
We just need the correct stimulus to rise to the occasion.
Now is the time and I hope that this article will be your stimulus to take back our government.