Party Games for Female Children
- Dressing up games are always fun at a party.It's party-time for the little girl image by Ivonne Wierink from
Girls just want to have fun, particularly when celebrating a birthday with their girlfriends. Once the food is eaten and the girls are more relaxed, the real fun begins: party games. A party with a good mix of games makes the day more memorable for the birthday girl and her friends. Deciding on which games to play depends on the age of the girls, the venue and whether or not the party has a theme. - This game involves painting nails different colors.Nail polish image by Alexandra Stukkey from
Teenage girls like nothing better than fashion, friends and fun, so sit the girls in a circle and have several colors of nail polish in the middle. The girls take it in turn to spin a bottle of nail polish. Whoever the lid is pointing to when the spinning has stopped must paint a fingernail with that particular color. By the end of the game, the girls will have rainbow nails. - Little girls dream of being a princess.thumbs up princess image by Cherry-Merry from
Many little girls dream of being a princess, and throwing a princess party allows your little girl to live the dream. "Musical Tiaras" adds sparkle and fun to any princess-themed party. The game is based on the popular musical chairs, but substitutes tiaras for chairs. Arrange a selection of tiaras on the floor, making sure there is one fewer tiara than there are girls. Play music for for a princess and let the girls move around the dance floor. Stop the music at regular intervals, at which point the princesses must make a dash for the tiaras. The princess who doesn't manage to grab a tiara is out. The game continues until there is one reigning princess. - The wrapped parcel is passed round the circle.present image by Albert Lozano from
"Pass the Parcel" is a favorite game of British toddlers and encourages them to interact and take turns. Wrap a prize up in several layers of gift wrap, making sure that there is some candy inside every layer. The prizes inside the parcels can be themed to suit the party. Wands, soft toys and colored pencils are popular with small children. The girls sit in a circle facing inwards and pass a wrapped parcel around the circle while music plays. When the music stops, the girl holding the parcel takes off a sheet of gift wrap and keeps the candy from inside that sheet. The music begins again and the parcel continues to go around. When the music stops on the last sheet of gift-wrap, the girl who has the parcel unwraps the parcel and keeps the prize. - "Bubble Butt" is a very energetic game and lends itself to outdoor parties. Line up two rows of chairs in a large enough area that they can be placed facing each other with several feet between. Place pink balloons on one row of chairs and have the girls sit on the row opposite. Each girl has a crown and other items of clothing at her feet that she must dress up in. When dressed, each girl runs to the chair opposite to sit on the balloon and try and burst it with her butt. She then runs back and sit on her original chair. The first one back wins the game.
Spin the Nail Polish
Musical Tiaras
Pass the Parcel
Bubble Butt