How Big Is the World's Largest Alligator?
- American alligators are the largest alligators in the world. Male American alligator usually grow to between 13 and 15 feet long and weigh about 1,000 pounds. Female American alligators grow to about 10 feet long. Although these are the averages for the species, some American alligators, also known as Mississippi alligators, have been reported at lengths between 16 and 20 feet long. Comparatively, the Chinese alligator only grows to about 6 feet in length.
- American alligators are strong, well-muscled predators. They have broad snouts, large webbed feet and strong, thick tails. Their bodies are wide and low. American alligators start life with yellow stripes, but loose this coloration as they grow older, eventually gaining the typical muddy green or even black coloring. Scales along the snout and underside of the alligator may be a lighter yellow or white color.
- American alligators are native to swamps in the southeastern part of the United States. They are most commonly found in Louisiana and Florida, but also can be found in the Carolinas, Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Georgia and Arkansas. American alligators were once critically endangered to due to habitat destruction and other factors. However, much work has been done to save these creatures, and they are once again flourishing in their native habitat, with a population of about 1 million.
- American alligators are carnivorous. They eat nearly anything available, including small mammals, fish and other aquatic creatures such as turtles. American alligators will also eat carrion when they need to. American alligators have also been known to eat pets, such as small dogs and cats. American alligators have also occasionally been known to hunt and eat people that come too close.
- American alligators start life at a size of about 7 inches long. They hatch from soft eggs and are closely guarded from predators by their mothers. Young alligators stay with their protective mothers for about two years, during which time they learn to feed and protect themselves. American alligators can live for 35 to 50 years.