How Does a Downrigger Work?
- If you want to catch marlin or other deep charted fish, you'll need the accuracy and sturdiness of a downrigger in your fishing gear. The downrigger was designed to get fish that reside in the deeper parts of the ocean or deep lakes. The downrigger gives the fishing rod ballast and consistency in depth. The downrigger prevents the line from wandering off course, until the fish begins to fight the fishing line.
- The backside of the downrigger rod has a weighted end that extends about a foot back into the fisherman's boat. This provides the rod with balance. A crank is attached to the downrigger rod to lower or raise the cable in the water. Some downriggers include a steel spool, which is supposed to reduce the vibrations that scare away fish. Cannon is a big supplier of high-tech downriggers.
- High-tech downriggers have a motor that raises and lowers the cable, so there's really no need to have a crank. At the end of the motorized downrigger rod is a pulley that keeps the cable from tangling with the fishing line. Motor cable downriggers have a system that holds the line and cable together. This keeps the line parallel to the cable, ensuring precision and depth. Once the fish starts to pull on the hook, the system will release the line from the cable.
What Downriggers Do
Components of a Downrigger
New Technology