How to Fix a Golf Slice and Out-Drive Everyone You Play With in 3 Easy Steps!
Are you interested in how to fix a golf slice, but are confused and overwhelmed with all of the information that you are hearing? In order to start hitting the ball better and stop slicing the golf ball their are a few things that you need to do.
Here I am going to share with you 3 tips that you can use in order to stop slicing now.
The first thing that you need to do is check your alignment.
A golf slice can often be caused by poor shoulder alignment, which will put left to right spin on the ball.
If you shoulders are too open then chances are they are causing you to slice.
Take a club and put it across your chest to see where you are lined up.
Make sure that you are aimed at the target to get the best results.
Another great tip on how to fix a golf slice is to make sure that you have a good tempo.
Tempo is key to any golf swing, and most of the people who slice have a really jerky golf swing that produces inconsistent results.
If you slice the ball then chances are a swing with bad tempo is part of the cause.
So try to swing smooth to get better results.
Another tip is to start your downswing by turning your hips to the left.
Many people start the downswing with your hands, which causes you to hit some pretty bad shots.
By starting down with your hips the club will fall into a good position, and you will hit much better shots and stop slicing.
When I was trying to learn how to fix a golf slice I came across a simple method that will have you stop slicing the ball in no time.
It worked for me, and it will work for you!
Here I am going to share with you 3 tips that you can use in order to stop slicing now.
The first thing that you need to do is check your alignment.
A golf slice can often be caused by poor shoulder alignment, which will put left to right spin on the ball.
If you shoulders are too open then chances are they are causing you to slice.
Take a club and put it across your chest to see where you are lined up.
Make sure that you are aimed at the target to get the best results.
Another great tip on how to fix a golf slice is to make sure that you have a good tempo.
Tempo is key to any golf swing, and most of the people who slice have a really jerky golf swing that produces inconsistent results.
If you slice the ball then chances are a swing with bad tempo is part of the cause.
So try to swing smooth to get better results.
Another tip is to start your downswing by turning your hips to the left.
Many people start the downswing with your hands, which causes you to hit some pretty bad shots.
By starting down with your hips the club will fall into a good position, and you will hit much better shots and stop slicing.
When I was trying to learn how to fix a golf slice I came across a simple method that will have you stop slicing the ball in no time.
It worked for me, and it will work for you!