Cultivating Peace in Times of Scarcity
I recently read that scarcity is one of three basic human triggers.
Want to know the other two? Curiosity and controversy! Reading that inspired me to write about how to handle your fear of you find its being generated by all the hype about credit scarcity for mortgages.
How do you keep a sense of calm when you read that you will lose your home despite your ability to make your mortgage payments? Here's what I do.
I discipline my mind to focus on my intended outcomes rather than my fears.
I use an affirmation such as, "I easily and joyfully attract the ideal mortgage vendor for my successful renewal.
" I recently listened to a call by Bruce Cryer of the HeartMath organization.
He described the effects of stress on our bodies and the easy to practice congruence routine.
Did you know that there are 1400 biochemical changes in your body as a result of stressful emotions? Yes, you read that correctly - 1400! When you have stressful emotions, your mind becomes clouded and you make more mistakes.
Your body is clumsy and you can easily fall and injure yourself.
When you have positive emotions, you also have biochemical changes; however these are energizing and beneficial.
HeartMath sells a product called the EmWave that tracks your heart rate.
I watched Bruce's heart rate pattern change as he imagined a stressful situation and then level out into calmness and a smooth rhythm just by his doing a simple process that took only a couple of minutes.
Here are the basic steps of the HeartMath technique as I remember them from the call.
Put your attention on the area around your heart.
Breathe into this area and feel the warmth.
Breathe in and out as though through your heart.
Remember a person or a situation that brings you joy and feel appreciation.
Spend some time continuing this process.
In a short time your heart rate will be smooth and rhythmic and your body will experience positive biochemical changes.
As The Heart Activist, I am committed to living with an open heart and helping others to do the same.
When I am contracted with fear, I don't feel open-hearted.
I want to close down and protect myself.
I expect you are the same.
Does worrying about scarcity help stave it off? No way! It just allows those 1400 biochemical changes to go coursing through your body.
When you place your trust in the power of your heart to create the life you desire, you take positive action.
Next time you watch the news or read the paper or listen to someone proclaiming doom and gloom remember to focus on your heart, breathe through it and feel grateful about someone or thing you love.
The Law of Attraction tells us we will get what we put our attention on and feel strong emotions about, whether positive or negative.
Use this technique to keep your attention on what you desire and your vibration positive.
To your heart health, Rosemary
Want to know the other two? Curiosity and controversy! Reading that inspired me to write about how to handle your fear of you find its being generated by all the hype about credit scarcity for mortgages.
How do you keep a sense of calm when you read that you will lose your home despite your ability to make your mortgage payments? Here's what I do.
I discipline my mind to focus on my intended outcomes rather than my fears.
I use an affirmation such as, "I easily and joyfully attract the ideal mortgage vendor for my successful renewal.
" I recently listened to a call by Bruce Cryer of the HeartMath organization.
He described the effects of stress on our bodies and the easy to practice congruence routine.
Did you know that there are 1400 biochemical changes in your body as a result of stressful emotions? Yes, you read that correctly - 1400! When you have stressful emotions, your mind becomes clouded and you make more mistakes.
Your body is clumsy and you can easily fall and injure yourself.
When you have positive emotions, you also have biochemical changes; however these are energizing and beneficial.
HeartMath sells a product called the EmWave that tracks your heart rate.
I watched Bruce's heart rate pattern change as he imagined a stressful situation and then level out into calmness and a smooth rhythm just by his doing a simple process that took only a couple of minutes.
Here are the basic steps of the HeartMath technique as I remember them from the call.
Put your attention on the area around your heart.
Breathe into this area and feel the warmth.
Breathe in and out as though through your heart.
Remember a person or a situation that brings you joy and feel appreciation.
Spend some time continuing this process.
In a short time your heart rate will be smooth and rhythmic and your body will experience positive biochemical changes.
As The Heart Activist, I am committed to living with an open heart and helping others to do the same.
When I am contracted with fear, I don't feel open-hearted.
I want to close down and protect myself.
I expect you are the same.
Does worrying about scarcity help stave it off? No way! It just allows those 1400 biochemical changes to go coursing through your body.
When you place your trust in the power of your heart to create the life you desire, you take positive action.
Next time you watch the news or read the paper or listen to someone proclaiming doom and gloom remember to focus on your heart, breathe through it and feel grateful about someone or thing you love.
The Law of Attraction tells us we will get what we put our attention on and feel strong emotions about, whether positive or negative.
Use this technique to keep your attention on what you desire and your vibration positive.
To your heart health, Rosemary