How to Make Paper Flowers to Decorate Everyday Items Part 2
In the last article we discussed a few everyday items to decorate with paper flowers.
In this article we will look at some more everyday items you can learn how to make paper flowers to decorate.
In part 1 we focused on how to make paper flowers to decorate kitchen items and a checkbook cover and a make-up vanity.
In this article we will look at a few more personal items as well as household items.
o Your office - If you have an office in your home chances are you spend a good amount of time in it.
So why not decorate it with paper flowers to make it even more attractive.
Of course you can always make crepe paper flower centerpieces and arrangements to set on top of your desk or book shelves.
Why not consider adding a little flowery color to the pencil and pen holder, the desk drawers, and the filing cabinet.
All the items in your home office big and small can benefit from a nice tasteful selection of paper flowers.
We also recommend you use scotch tape or a type of adhesive that will allow you to remove or replace the flowers easily.
You can choose any type of flower(s) and colors you would like.
You may want to stay with the color scheme of your office so it does not become a place of distraction instead of a place where you work.
A few simple flowers here and there will bring out the natural beauty of the room with minimal effort.
o Bathrooms - Little flowers tied to the towel racks will spruce this room up nicely.
Most people do not spend a great deal of time in the bathroom so a few colorful flowers here and there will do the trick just fine.
If having your guests you can add a few more flowers or a basket of scented flower petals to freshen up the room.
o The Living room - There are a few everyday objects in this room that could benefit from a flower a two.
Perhaps a lamp or two, a magazine rack, picture frames or a mantle.
Centerpieces work best in the living room for a few reasons.
Most people watch television in this room and the colorful flowers can produce a reflection that reflects right in the middle of your screen.
As well as misplaced flowers creating a distraction instead of a nice calming effect.
Let us take another look at everyday items that could benefit from a nice flower.
Coupon holders a flower can be attached to the outside and if it is flat enough of a flower like a daisy you can even cover the flower with a see through vinyl material to help safe guard it.
Eye glass cases that are left at home whether they are made from a hard plastic, soft cloth or plastic canvas all of these materials can be adorned with a pretty colorful little flower and they make nice gifts as well.
Learning how to make paper flowers to decorate everyday items is very simple.
Just look around your home and see what items that could use a little colorful pick me up!
In this article we will look at some more everyday items you can learn how to make paper flowers to decorate.
In part 1 we focused on how to make paper flowers to decorate kitchen items and a checkbook cover and a make-up vanity.
In this article we will look at a few more personal items as well as household items.
o Your office - If you have an office in your home chances are you spend a good amount of time in it.
So why not decorate it with paper flowers to make it even more attractive.
Of course you can always make crepe paper flower centerpieces and arrangements to set on top of your desk or book shelves.
Why not consider adding a little flowery color to the pencil and pen holder, the desk drawers, and the filing cabinet.
All the items in your home office big and small can benefit from a nice tasteful selection of paper flowers.
We also recommend you use scotch tape or a type of adhesive that will allow you to remove or replace the flowers easily.
You can choose any type of flower(s) and colors you would like.
You may want to stay with the color scheme of your office so it does not become a place of distraction instead of a place where you work.
A few simple flowers here and there will bring out the natural beauty of the room with minimal effort.
o Bathrooms - Little flowers tied to the towel racks will spruce this room up nicely.
Most people do not spend a great deal of time in the bathroom so a few colorful flowers here and there will do the trick just fine.
If having your guests you can add a few more flowers or a basket of scented flower petals to freshen up the room.
o The Living room - There are a few everyday objects in this room that could benefit from a flower a two.
Perhaps a lamp or two, a magazine rack, picture frames or a mantle.
Centerpieces work best in the living room for a few reasons.
Most people watch television in this room and the colorful flowers can produce a reflection that reflects right in the middle of your screen.
As well as misplaced flowers creating a distraction instead of a nice calming effect.
Let us take another look at everyday items that could benefit from a nice flower.
Coupon holders a flower can be attached to the outside and if it is flat enough of a flower like a daisy you can even cover the flower with a see through vinyl material to help safe guard it.
Eye glass cases that are left at home whether they are made from a hard plastic, soft cloth or plastic canvas all of these materials can be adorned with a pretty colorful little flower and they make nice gifts as well.
Learning how to make paper flowers to decorate everyday items is very simple.
Just look around your home and see what items that could use a little colorful pick me up!