Are You the Modern Day Tweetie Bird?
In my early days of using Twitter, I was simply about making the most noise out there using my loudest voice.
I once thought if I made enough noise I could rise above the noise and in reality I simply added to the noise that was out there.
You know what I learned - people will turn you off.
Picture the loud mouth at your local business networking club who always boasts about how great their business is or how well his kids are doing in school, you know that person...
what do you do? Most of us avoid him or her.
You know the noise I am speaking of in the on-line world it could be mentioning that you are at the local Starbucks on Foursquare, tweeting useless bits of information and re-tweeting other people's noise.
I do appreciate the idea of re-tweeting other people's useful information (keyword useful), however the question I must ask is, are my tweets enriching someone else's life or business? If the answer is no, I really need to think long and hard about sending out more noise into the Twitter universe.
Twitter can be such a powerful on-line marketing tool but it is often abused by many small business owners because of the advice of some social media professionals out there.
How about this advice? Instead of simply sharing a link to someone else's article using Twitter that really has no value or broadcasting to the world something they doesn't carry much weight.
How about sharing your opinions about what the other person's article, blog post or link meant to you using your own platform, such as your professional business blog.
Offer your own insight and opinion using your own platform.
Position yourself with your own thoughts instead of simply tweeting without any purpose.
What can you do differently today to enrich the life of someone?
I once thought if I made enough noise I could rise above the noise and in reality I simply added to the noise that was out there.
You know what I learned - people will turn you off.
Picture the loud mouth at your local business networking club who always boasts about how great their business is or how well his kids are doing in school, you know that person...
what do you do? Most of us avoid him or her.
You know the noise I am speaking of in the on-line world it could be mentioning that you are at the local Starbucks on Foursquare, tweeting useless bits of information and re-tweeting other people's noise.
I do appreciate the idea of re-tweeting other people's useful information (keyword useful), however the question I must ask is, are my tweets enriching someone else's life or business? If the answer is no, I really need to think long and hard about sending out more noise into the Twitter universe.
Twitter can be such a powerful on-line marketing tool but it is often abused by many small business owners because of the advice of some social media professionals out there.
How about this advice? Instead of simply sharing a link to someone else's article using Twitter that really has no value or broadcasting to the world something they doesn't carry much weight.
How about sharing your opinions about what the other person's article, blog post or link meant to you using your own platform, such as your professional business blog.
Offer your own insight and opinion using your own platform.
Position yourself with your own thoughts instead of simply tweeting without any purpose.
What can you do differently today to enrich the life of someone?