Take Your Soul BACK to Work!
Love is most likely not the first thought that pops into your mind when you think about what you do for a living, but having a sense of value, meaning, passion and purpose in our workplace is essentially about Love - and connecting with our Spirit.
But, according to Lisa Earle McLeod in an article in Forbes Magazine: We want our customers to love us.
We want our employees to love their jobs.
But bring up the word "love" in the context of leadership, and people get uncomfortable.
They start to fear they'll be forced to hold hands with staff and sway to the strains of "Kumbaya".
The truth is, love has been the cornerstone of every successful venture since the dawn of time.
From the American Revolution to Apple, the great ones are always fueled by love, by people who love what they do and who love the people they do it with.
Love is actually a very effective and efficient--and much overlooked--business tool.
It delivers just about the best return on investment you can get.
Because when you show up with your heart, your mind works at a far greater capacity than when you leave your heart at home.
What is it you desire most from work? Most people are not in it just for the money.
·They are looking for the opportunity to be creative, ·To make a contribution, ·And to be recognized and appreciated.
When employees are recognized and treated as essential ingredients for meeting the business' goals, then the workplace becomes more than just a paycheck.
Excitement and passion are released with increased effectiveness and productivity closely following.
This is managing with spirituality in the workplace -- it makes the difference! Let's briefly look at five steps to build a foundation for spirit-based management that can maximize your interactions with co-workers, clients, and even personal relationships.
Define, and Follow your Principles and Ethics.
Identify what is "right action" and then do it.
Being ethical builds trust and confidence.
People prefer to work with someone they can trust.
Reflect Respect and Care.
Let your actions show respect for the person.
Ask questions and listen to the responses.
Sincerely acknowledge and appreciate others.
Just a few minutes of "non-business" talk can offer a bridge to understanding and increased cooperation.
Practice Deep Heart Communication.
Secrets cause a loss of trust and low morale.
It is important to be open with information whether good or bad.
Learn to speak the truth, in a positive way.
Use a variety of ways to communicate - meetings, memos, posters, surveys, suggestion boxes, open door policy, etc.
The important fact to remember is that open-hearted communication establishes trust.
Empower Others.
The old "command and control" management models no longer work.
No one person has the answer.
Associates have incredible untapped talents that can contribute to the health and wealth of the business.
Encourage creativity, visualize others points of view, encourage problem solving, and trust them to succeed.
And at the end of the day -- give credit where credit is due.
There is always enough recognition and praise to go around! 5.
Build Teamwork.
Develop spirit-based team management when possible.
Have confidence in your associates.
Release the abundance of talent within your own group, and be ready for the power of the passionate team player in the company's journey toward reaching and exceeding their goals.
Albert Einstein said "The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.
" We have to think in new ways if we are to survive in the quantum soup that is today's marketplace.
The only way we will not just survive - but thrive - is to enlist our total self - and that is to get in alignment with our Hearts, our Minds and our Spirits.
But, according to Lisa Earle McLeod in an article in Forbes Magazine: We want our customers to love us.
We want our employees to love their jobs.
But bring up the word "love" in the context of leadership, and people get uncomfortable.
They start to fear they'll be forced to hold hands with staff and sway to the strains of "Kumbaya".
The truth is, love has been the cornerstone of every successful venture since the dawn of time.
From the American Revolution to Apple, the great ones are always fueled by love, by people who love what they do and who love the people they do it with.
Love is actually a very effective and efficient--and much overlooked--business tool.
It delivers just about the best return on investment you can get.
Because when you show up with your heart, your mind works at a far greater capacity than when you leave your heart at home.
What is it you desire most from work? Most people are not in it just for the money.
·They are looking for the opportunity to be creative, ·To make a contribution, ·And to be recognized and appreciated.
When employees are recognized and treated as essential ingredients for meeting the business' goals, then the workplace becomes more than just a paycheck.
Excitement and passion are released with increased effectiveness and productivity closely following.
This is managing with spirituality in the workplace -- it makes the difference! Let's briefly look at five steps to build a foundation for spirit-based management that can maximize your interactions with co-workers, clients, and even personal relationships.
Define, and Follow your Principles and Ethics.
Identify what is "right action" and then do it.
Being ethical builds trust and confidence.
People prefer to work with someone they can trust.
Reflect Respect and Care.
Let your actions show respect for the person.
Ask questions and listen to the responses.
Sincerely acknowledge and appreciate others.
Just a few minutes of "non-business" talk can offer a bridge to understanding and increased cooperation.
Practice Deep Heart Communication.
Secrets cause a loss of trust and low morale.
It is important to be open with information whether good or bad.
Learn to speak the truth, in a positive way.
Use a variety of ways to communicate - meetings, memos, posters, surveys, suggestion boxes, open door policy, etc.
The important fact to remember is that open-hearted communication establishes trust.
Empower Others.
The old "command and control" management models no longer work.
No one person has the answer.
Associates have incredible untapped talents that can contribute to the health and wealth of the business.
Encourage creativity, visualize others points of view, encourage problem solving, and trust them to succeed.
And at the end of the day -- give credit where credit is due.
There is always enough recognition and praise to go around! 5.
Build Teamwork.
Develop spirit-based team management when possible.
Have confidence in your associates.
Release the abundance of talent within your own group, and be ready for the power of the passionate team player in the company's journey toward reaching and exceeding their goals.
Albert Einstein said "The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.
" We have to think in new ways if we are to survive in the quantum soup that is today's marketplace.
The only way we will not just survive - but thrive - is to enlist our total self - and that is to get in alignment with our Hearts, our Minds and our Spirits.