The Flesh - A Jellyfish Without Backbone!
The word "jelly" has to do with something soft.
The sea animal "jellyfish" derived its name from there because of the soft nature of its body.
The human flesh is another example of a soft tissue.
Because soft tissues are associated with weakness, human nature and its emotions, physical and bodily desires, sensual appetites, etc, any action that tends towards one's own interest or pleasure is regarded as something done in the flesh.
In Christianity, to say that one is walking, thinking or operating in the flesh is to say that one is possessed with an un-renewed mindset.
In John 6:63, the Bible tells us that walking in the flesh has no positive profit.
It gives the root to fleshly behaviour as fleshly thinking whose antidote is walking in the Spirit.
It may sound strange to say that the greatest problem man has is not necessarily the devil, but the flesh.
This is because fleshly thinking leads to fleshly behaviour.
Selfishness feeds the flesh, and makes it gloat over so many things.
This is why your flesh will never want to carry out God's will, but you own personal will.
Flesh is a great enemy to man and his walk with God.
It is responsible for your walking in condemnation.
It restricts you from doing the will of God.
Your behaviour can only line up with the yearnings of your heart the moment you take a stand to deal with your thinking.
You are in the flesh when you go against the way of thinking that is based on the Word of God (Galatians 5:16-17).
The flesh is like a jellyfish, which has no backbone, but still goes with the predominant current and stings, hurting others to protect itself.
The solution to overcoming the flesh is to walk in the Spirit (Romans 7:21-23; 8:1).
Walking in the Spirit helps you to avoid every mental reasoning that tends to question the existence and ability of God (Luke 5:20-23).
Since your vulnerability is found in your flesh (Matthew 26:36-41), when you draw near to God, you are confident to be blessed with a pure heart (James 4:6-8).
Overcoming the flesh also can depend on the simple realization that your flesh is not "the real you", and so, identifying what occupies your attention the most, and making a frantic effort to liberate yourself from "self" will be a great achievement.
It is time to crucify the works of the flesh and begin looking at things from heaven's point of view.
The sea animal "jellyfish" derived its name from there because of the soft nature of its body.
The human flesh is another example of a soft tissue.
Because soft tissues are associated with weakness, human nature and its emotions, physical and bodily desires, sensual appetites, etc, any action that tends towards one's own interest or pleasure is regarded as something done in the flesh.
In Christianity, to say that one is walking, thinking or operating in the flesh is to say that one is possessed with an un-renewed mindset.
In John 6:63, the Bible tells us that walking in the flesh has no positive profit.
It gives the root to fleshly behaviour as fleshly thinking whose antidote is walking in the Spirit.
It may sound strange to say that the greatest problem man has is not necessarily the devil, but the flesh.
This is because fleshly thinking leads to fleshly behaviour.
Selfishness feeds the flesh, and makes it gloat over so many things.
This is why your flesh will never want to carry out God's will, but you own personal will.
Flesh is a great enemy to man and his walk with God.
It is responsible for your walking in condemnation.
It restricts you from doing the will of God.
Your behaviour can only line up with the yearnings of your heart the moment you take a stand to deal with your thinking.
You are in the flesh when you go against the way of thinking that is based on the Word of God (Galatians 5:16-17).
The flesh is like a jellyfish, which has no backbone, but still goes with the predominant current and stings, hurting others to protect itself.
The solution to overcoming the flesh is to walk in the Spirit (Romans 7:21-23; 8:1).
Walking in the Spirit helps you to avoid every mental reasoning that tends to question the existence and ability of God (Luke 5:20-23).
Since your vulnerability is found in your flesh (Matthew 26:36-41), when you draw near to God, you are confident to be blessed with a pure heart (James 4:6-8).
Overcoming the flesh also can depend on the simple realization that your flesh is not "the real you", and so, identifying what occupies your attention the most, and making a frantic effort to liberate yourself from "self" will be a great achievement.
It is time to crucify the works of the flesh and begin looking at things from heaven's point of view.