Batman Costume Ideas
- Adam West's Batman introduced camp and color into Batman's dark world. Consisting of a gray jumpsuit, dark blue cowl and a bright yellow belt, this costume is in stark contrast to the more recent darker costumes of the films. While this costume isn't readily available through costumes shops or online retailers, you can commission one from specialty costume designers on sites such as Ebay. To give this costume a genuine feel, add eyebrows to the cowl using white paint using still frames of West from the series as your guide.
- Perhaps the most popular Batman costume because of its use in recent films, the Dark Knight costume consists of a black rubber bodysuit and cowl. You can find variations of this costume at many retailers and online costume shops. To complete this look, add dark face paint around the eyes before slipping into the cowl. Used by various make-up artists on the Batman characters played by Michael Keaton up to Christian Bale, this simple trick will keep the skin around the eyes uniform with the jet-black of the cowl.
- Consisting of a gray and black bodysuit over a foam muscle-suit, these readily available costumes have become increasingly popular among Batman fans over the years. Fitted with a yellow utility belt and chest symbol, this costume is less rigid than the Dark Knight costume and gives the wearer a muscled appearance. While these costumes normally come with boot covers, you can replace the boot covers with black utility boots to give the costume a more genuine appearance.
- You don't have to limit yourself to just Batman's trademark batsuit. Batman's rogue gallery offers many selections for exciting characters with vibrant costuming choices. You can make the Joker's costume out of a brightly colored suit combined with face paint that resembles that of Heath Ledger's take on the Joker. Other costumes you can buy from retailers are Catwoman, the Scarecrow and Poison Ivy.
60s TV Era Batman Costume
The Dark Knight Costume
Comic Book Style Costume
The Villains