Right Brain Association Techniques
- Left brain thinkers find it easier to learn via rote exercises. They employ methods and formulas easily and are good at processing data in sequential, related packages. In order to develop the right brain, it is necessary to embrace and practice those methods of learning that engage the right hemisphere of the brain. To accomplish this, concentrate on learning new information via visualization. Try word mapping and word association exercises. When solving a problem with a right brain approach to the solution, take the creative or artistic approach without dissecting it first. Look at any problem or situation from a holistic perspective and analyse it in the "big picture" format.
- Most left brain thinkers enjoy reading. Use this to help develop the right brain. Try reading books that are not in your usual genre choices. Most especially, look at fantasy and science fiction as they are more creative media in terms of imagination. Then, when reading, pause after each scene and replay it in your head. Imagine you can see it as clearly as you see a movie. If it helps, assign a cast for the characters from faces you know, drawing from friends, coworkers or actors. Picture the setting described in the book. See the action play out. As you practice this, develop the skill to see the images clearly as you read the passages. This will probably necessitate reading more slowly than normal. But it will engage your imagination more.
- Take up a creative art. This can be writing or painting or sculpting. Go to a craft and hobby store and look for something creative, something which requires you to make up the design, as opposed to a kit in which you have sequential instructions to follow. Try scrapbooking. Or do T-shirt designs. There are numerous artistic crafts to try. Know that early efforts won't likely be very interesting or exciting, but with continued practice, later endeavors should show improvement. Remember that art is subjective. Taking up drawing requires nothing more than paper and pencil or pen. At first you might try drawing objects you see, simply to develop basic drawing skills. However, the goal should be to draw objects you imagine, those images pulled directly from your mind. Try drawing fantastic subjects, such as dragons or space ships. In drawing, don't entirely shut out the left brain. Let it be involved in helping the created design have logic and reality. But let the right brain direct the creative aspect.
Learning Styles
Developing the Right Brain with Reading
Other Right Brain Exercises