Movie Download Scams FAQ
This is all new to me.
How easy is it to get started? Downloading films is easy and you can be watching you first film in minutes.
Simple to follow instruction together with comprehensive tutorials means that in minutes you will be watching you first chosen film.
If you do have, any questions simply contact the technical support team who are only too willing to help.
Be honest what movies selections to you have for me to download Put simply nearly every movie in the world is available for download.
You name it we will have a copy of it.
If the software is free why do I have to pay.
We provide you FREE Movie download software, DVD Copy Software, Movie Players, CD Burning Software.
The registration fee goes toward the technical support teams and to provide you with all the user guides.
What operating system can I use to download films?Both windows and mac compatible.
Does it matter what broadband service provider I am with.
Absolutely not.
The software will run with all providers.
If in the unlikely event you do have a problem the technical support team are ready and willing to resolve you question Who do ask if I have a question? If it's a technical question the technical staff are there 24/7 for any technical queries you may come across.
Other matters will be dealt with by the appropriate teams.
What sort of internet connection do I need? The faster connections such as broad band or cable are ideal for the down loading of the films.
However you can still download with a dial up connection the only difference will be the time taken for the download.
What sort of time will it take to down load a film It really depends on the speed of your connection.
With a regular 56.
6 Kbps modem, a three-megabyte file will take about seven minutes to download.
Larger files will take more time to download.
Is there a time wait before I can start down loading films? Access is provided instantly after joining.
The email used during registration will be added to the files and an email giving you the account details will be sent to you.
Once activated you are free to down load, as many films as you wish.
We provide instant access! After joining, your email address will be added to our database, and an email giving you your account details will be sent within seconds.
How secure is my registration details? All registration will be handled in a secure and confidential manner.
All payment details are encrypted and email addresses are never share with other business or organisations.
What sort of guarantee do you give? Most sites offer a no obligations cancel policy So if you are ever dissatisfied with any part of the companies service whether technical or not you will have no obligations to pay for a set period of time.
What happens when I cannot find the film I want? If you are unable to find the film you require You should try again later.
Other user may well be downloading the exact same film that you are after.
Once they have finished downloading you will have no trouble proceeding Why when I down load the speed is slow? The download speed and thus the time taken will vary from your connection and that of the film chosen.
The speed of down load is usually one or the other.
Why do I have trouble connection to the server with the software? This will be your firewall stopping access to the programme.
You need to programme your firewall to accept the network traffic.
This is due to firewall software on your
How easy is it to get started? Downloading films is easy and you can be watching you first film in minutes.
Simple to follow instruction together with comprehensive tutorials means that in minutes you will be watching you first chosen film.
If you do have, any questions simply contact the technical support team who are only too willing to help.
Be honest what movies selections to you have for me to download Put simply nearly every movie in the world is available for download.
You name it we will have a copy of it.
If the software is free why do I have to pay.
We provide you FREE Movie download software, DVD Copy Software, Movie Players, CD Burning Software.
The registration fee goes toward the technical support teams and to provide you with all the user guides.
What operating system can I use to download films?Both windows and mac compatible.
Does it matter what broadband service provider I am with.
Absolutely not.
The software will run with all providers.
If in the unlikely event you do have a problem the technical support team are ready and willing to resolve you question Who do ask if I have a question? If it's a technical question the technical staff are there 24/7 for any technical queries you may come across.
Other matters will be dealt with by the appropriate teams.
What sort of internet connection do I need? The faster connections such as broad band or cable are ideal for the down loading of the films.
However you can still download with a dial up connection the only difference will be the time taken for the download.
What sort of time will it take to down load a film It really depends on the speed of your connection.
With a regular 56.
6 Kbps modem, a three-megabyte file will take about seven minutes to download.
Larger files will take more time to download.
Is there a time wait before I can start down loading films? Access is provided instantly after joining.
The email used during registration will be added to the files and an email giving you the account details will be sent to you.
Once activated you are free to down load, as many films as you wish.
We provide instant access! After joining, your email address will be added to our database, and an email giving you your account details will be sent within seconds.
How secure is my registration details? All registration will be handled in a secure and confidential manner.
All payment details are encrypted and email addresses are never share with other business or organisations.
What sort of guarantee do you give? Most sites offer a no obligations cancel policy So if you are ever dissatisfied with any part of the companies service whether technical or not you will have no obligations to pay for a set period of time.
What happens when I cannot find the film I want? If you are unable to find the film you require You should try again later.
Other user may well be downloading the exact same film that you are after.
Once they have finished downloading you will have no trouble proceeding Why when I down load the speed is slow? The download speed and thus the time taken will vary from your connection and that of the film chosen.
The speed of down load is usually one or the other.
Why do I have trouble connection to the server with the software? This will be your firewall stopping access to the programme.
You need to programme your firewall to accept the network traffic.
This is due to firewall software on your