My Astral Projection Story
I would like to share with you, one of my astral projecting stories.
The story has affected me unlike any other before.
I went to sleep and I cleaned my mind from thoughts.
I was relaxed more than ever.
I just closed my eyes and astral experienced something very odd.
It was just like I read in a few astral travel for beginners books, although my experience was much faster and stronger.
I felt the whole world just spinning in a velocity of two hundred kilometer per second.
I saw lights flashing around me and just when I thought that it was over, I started falling.
I can't even describe the feeling, but it was exciting and scaring in the same time.
Then, suddenly the time stood still and my astral body was floating in the middle of a lake, touching a bit the water (but not really touching).
I was surrounded by bright light and the water was crystal clear.
The lights all around me didn't came from the sun, they came from inside my body that was astral reflecting everywhere.
In a matter of seconds I was floating again.
Now though, I switched places and found myself in a middle of a vast green field with lots of flowers everywhere.
I came close to the flowers and the colors of the leaves were so bright and strong, I couldn't believe my eyes.
I tried to smell them, but my astral body couldn't grasp the smell of the flowers.
As I got closer to the flowers, I saw that they are shining like nothing I have seen before.
It made me happy and relaxed.
Suddenly I felt like I am astral traveling again and I felt some sort of a beam that taking me back to my body.
I felt that my body was shaking; the odd feeling of the astral projection vibrations scared me a little.
When I woke up, I felt that everything was so real.
It wasn't a dream since I was able to understand and remember every detail from what happened to me earlier.
The green field and the mysterious lake - those were the astral planes, I created in my sub-conscious mind.
I am telling you this astral projection story, because after waking up and returning to my physical body, I felt some sort of release in tension.
That chill and focus that I felt from this moment forward, was a direct result of the out of body experience that I had earlier.
Once in every two month I am doing this in order to balance my body.
Having an out of body experience such as this, gives me a feeling of divinity.
The story has affected me unlike any other before.
I went to sleep and I cleaned my mind from thoughts.
I was relaxed more than ever.
I just closed my eyes and astral experienced something very odd.
It was just like I read in a few astral travel for beginners books, although my experience was much faster and stronger.
I felt the whole world just spinning in a velocity of two hundred kilometer per second.
I saw lights flashing around me and just when I thought that it was over, I started falling.
I can't even describe the feeling, but it was exciting and scaring in the same time.
Then, suddenly the time stood still and my astral body was floating in the middle of a lake, touching a bit the water (but not really touching).
I was surrounded by bright light and the water was crystal clear.
The lights all around me didn't came from the sun, they came from inside my body that was astral reflecting everywhere.
In a matter of seconds I was floating again.
Now though, I switched places and found myself in a middle of a vast green field with lots of flowers everywhere.
I came close to the flowers and the colors of the leaves were so bright and strong, I couldn't believe my eyes.
I tried to smell them, but my astral body couldn't grasp the smell of the flowers.
As I got closer to the flowers, I saw that they are shining like nothing I have seen before.
It made me happy and relaxed.
Suddenly I felt like I am astral traveling again and I felt some sort of a beam that taking me back to my body.
I felt that my body was shaking; the odd feeling of the astral projection vibrations scared me a little.
When I woke up, I felt that everything was so real.
It wasn't a dream since I was able to understand and remember every detail from what happened to me earlier.
The green field and the mysterious lake - those were the astral planes, I created in my sub-conscious mind.
I am telling you this astral projection story, because after waking up and returning to my physical body, I felt some sort of release in tension.
That chill and focus that I felt from this moment forward, was a direct result of the out of body experience that I had earlier.
Once in every two month I am doing this in order to balance my body.
Having an out of body experience such as this, gives me a feeling of divinity.