How To Clear Acne Forever
If you want to know how to clear acne forever, then this article is for you.
Most acne treatments are designed to only provide temporary relief, but can not really solve your acne problem.
Basically, every acne lotion, cream and face wash only tries to deal with the superficial symptoms of acne, rather than its root cause.
They try to eliminate the bacteria on your skin or to unclog your pores.
This is well and fine - it can in many cases clear acne quickly.
But in the long-term, it can often make acne worse and lead to chronically sensitive skin conditions.
Because what you must understand is the only reason why your pores are clogged up is that the oil glands of your skin make too much oil.
Your pores are not designed to let so much oil pass, thus, it becomes stuck.
And then bacteria feed on the fatty acids and cause acne.
Trying to get rid of the oil and the bacteria from the outside seems like a logical approach.
But think about it - your oil glands will continue to produce too much oil.
In fact, they will produce even more, because when the oil is removed, your body notices that and quickly produces more oil.
This can cause deeper acne infections.
So instead, what you want to do is to bring the oil production of your glands back to normal levels.
And the way you do so is by restoring the hormonal balance inside your body.
Because hormones caused your glands to produce too much oil in the first place.
If you reduce the number of hormones that stimulate your oil glands, your pores will be able to clear up and will not get stuck again.
And this can be the permanent cure for your acne problem.
Most acne treatments are designed to only provide temporary relief, but can not really solve your acne problem.
Basically, every acne lotion, cream and face wash only tries to deal with the superficial symptoms of acne, rather than its root cause.
They try to eliminate the bacteria on your skin or to unclog your pores.
This is well and fine - it can in many cases clear acne quickly.
But in the long-term, it can often make acne worse and lead to chronically sensitive skin conditions.
Because what you must understand is the only reason why your pores are clogged up is that the oil glands of your skin make too much oil.
Your pores are not designed to let so much oil pass, thus, it becomes stuck.
And then bacteria feed on the fatty acids and cause acne.
Trying to get rid of the oil and the bacteria from the outside seems like a logical approach.
But think about it - your oil glands will continue to produce too much oil.
In fact, they will produce even more, because when the oil is removed, your body notices that and quickly produces more oil.
This can cause deeper acne infections.
So instead, what you want to do is to bring the oil production of your glands back to normal levels.
And the way you do so is by restoring the hormonal balance inside your body.
Because hormones caused your glands to produce too much oil in the first place.
If you reduce the number of hormones that stimulate your oil glands, your pores will be able to clear up and will not get stuck again.
And this can be the permanent cure for your acne problem.