Find a Cell Phone Listing
Wrong numbers are no big deal.
These people may call once or even twice, but they will be more careful with their dialing if you tell them that they have a wrong number, or if they figure it out on their own.
You can easily forget those calls and move on.
What can be annoying is when a number continually calls and won't leave a message.
You may not want to answer such a call, and no one can blame you for that.
What then can you do? One of the best way to find out about an odd number is to do some research and find a way to do a reverse phone number lookup.
You can always call the phone company or even the police, but you have to prove that someone has malice when they are calling your home.
If you never speak with the caller, that is not something you can really prove.
You may be on your own.
Don't worry though, as finding a name to go with a number through reverse lookup is easier than it has ever been in the past.
You just have to know where to go.
One of the very first things you should do would be to go to the online white pages.
There you can use a reverse or backward search.
You won't get results for cell number, but listed landline numbers should produce results.
If not, you can assume the number is unlisted, that it comes from a cell phone.
Some caller ID sets will say that it is a wireless caller, even though it will not give you the name of the caller.
Finding information on cell numbers is much harder than landline, but that does not mean it can not be done.
Do some general searching on the Web first to see what you can find.
Try the search engines, people finder sites, and the social and professional networks out there to see what you can dig up.
You can save some time and aggravation if you skip those search options and go straight to a site that has an extensive cell phone listings database through which you can do a reverse search.
There you have the best chances of getting what you want, and you can get it almost instantly.
These people may call once or even twice, but they will be more careful with their dialing if you tell them that they have a wrong number, or if they figure it out on their own.
You can easily forget those calls and move on.
What can be annoying is when a number continually calls and won't leave a message.
You may not want to answer such a call, and no one can blame you for that.
What then can you do? One of the best way to find out about an odd number is to do some research and find a way to do a reverse phone number lookup.
You can always call the phone company or even the police, but you have to prove that someone has malice when they are calling your home.
If you never speak with the caller, that is not something you can really prove.
You may be on your own.
Don't worry though, as finding a name to go with a number through reverse lookup is easier than it has ever been in the past.
You just have to know where to go.
One of the very first things you should do would be to go to the online white pages.
There you can use a reverse or backward search.
You won't get results for cell number, but listed landline numbers should produce results.
If not, you can assume the number is unlisted, that it comes from a cell phone.
Some caller ID sets will say that it is a wireless caller, even though it will not give you the name of the caller.
Finding information on cell numbers is much harder than landline, but that does not mean it can not be done.
Do some general searching on the Web first to see what you can find.
Try the search engines, people finder sites, and the social and professional networks out there to see what you can dig up.
You can save some time and aggravation if you skip those search options and go straight to a site that has an extensive cell phone listings database through which you can do a reverse search.
There you have the best chances of getting what you want, and you can get it almost instantly.