Important Aspects To Consider For A Blackberry Unlock
Blackberry is one of the leading mobile phone brands in the market. The mobile phones that they create offer unique features that are very advantageous for business and personal use. You can get a Blackberry phone by going to a particular carrier for a data and mobile contract. In a span of one to two years, you will be obliged to stick with your plan. After paying the full cost of the phone, you decided to move to another carrier which you think has plans more suitable for your needs. You might also want to go prepaid. In this case, you have to unlock your phone.
Unlocking phones like Blackberry has become a big niche and there are so many websites offering this type of service. One reason is that the carriers and mobile phone companies do not elaborate on how individuals can unlock the phones themselves. It is a chore deciphering these processes for the Blackberry unlock. On top of that, you have to get your hands on the MEP and/or IMEI in order to proceed in unlocking your Blackberry phone.
On getting the IMEI and MEP
According to the Blackberry Forums, the IMEI can be accessed directly from your phone. IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity which is a unique ID that is different from each unit. When accessed, this ID can be forwarded to block mobile phone units that were stolen. To get the IMEI on the Blackberry, go to OPTIONS. Find and select STATUS. You can also manually remove the battery and check the white sticker on the back. MEP is another form of identification unique from Blackberry. You might need to contact the carrier in order to get this. It might cost you a fee to get this data. In other options, you can purchase software one time and if you buy another Blackberry or any other recent generation mobile phone, you can use the software to generate both the IMEI and MEP.
The Unlock process.
There are a number of ways to unlock your Blackberry. First, it could be manual. Each model or series will have different ways of unlocking. In most cases, you would have to be typing texts blankly on the screen in order to access hidden functions in order to unlock the phone. From there, you have to secure the MEP and IMEI codes in order to unlock the phone. There are companies who also offer unlocking the phone to minimize the hassles on your part. In such cases, you need to sends the phone and wait for a few days. You can also purchase software in order to unlock the phone in a manner of minutes.
Unlocking phones like Blackberry has become a big niche and there are so many websites offering this type of service. One reason is that the carriers and mobile phone companies do not elaborate on how individuals can unlock the phones themselves. It is a chore deciphering these processes for the Blackberry unlock. On top of that, you have to get your hands on the MEP and/or IMEI in order to proceed in unlocking your Blackberry phone.
On getting the IMEI and MEP
According to the Blackberry Forums, the IMEI can be accessed directly from your phone. IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity which is a unique ID that is different from each unit. When accessed, this ID can be forwarded to block mobile phone units that were stolen. To get the IMEI on the Blackberry, go to OPTIONS. Find and select STATUS. You can also manually remove the battery and check the white sticker on the back. MEP is another form of identification unique from Blackberry. You might need to contact the carrier in order to get this. It might cost you a fee to get this data. In other options, you can purchase software one time and if you buy another Blackberry or any other recent generation mobile phone, you can use the software to generate both the IMEI and MEP.
The Unlock process.
There are a number of ways to unlock your Blackberry. First, it could be manual. Each model or series will have different ways of unlocking. In most cases, you would have to be typing texts blankly on the screen in order to access hidden functions in order to unlock the phone. From there, you have to secure the MEP and IMEI codes in order to unlock the phone. There are companies who also offer unlocking the phone to minimize the hassles on your part. In such cases, you need to sends the phone and wait for a few days. You can also purchase software in order to unlock the phone in a manner of minutes.