Tuna Fishing in Maine
- The cold Atlantic waters off the coast of Maine are home to many different types of fish, including tuna. Bluefin tuna is the most commonly caught variety there and is commonly referred to as giant tuna or horse mackerel.
- The Bluefin tuna is generally silver on the belly and sides and gradually darkens to a deep blue on top. It is a fast swimmer matures to weigh 1,500 lbs. and be 12 feet long and travels in schools.
- Each recreational fishermen may catch one bluefin tuna daily, measuring 27 to 59 inches. Each fishermen may catch up to three yellowfin tuna daily, measuring at least 27 inches. There are no limits for albacore tuna, bigeye tuna, or skipjack tuna.
Tuna Species
Retention Limits