Being The Authentic You - A Book to Support You
Healing, and living a healthy life, involve more than addressing symptoms on a physical level.
Mental, emotional and spiritual well-being are paramount to achieving your wellness goals.
As many of you know, my passion is in understanding how each of our bodies respond to stress, the health conditions that result, and how to provide the support needed to bring our bodies back to balance.
In my clinical experience and research, I consistently find that emotional stress has a direct impact on physical health, and that by reducing stress, health is restored.
Patients inspire me everyday through stories of identifying the connection between their physical symptoms and emotional stresses.
I would like to share the story of a patient who was recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a painful and debilitating condition that is considered to have no cure in conventional medical practice.
(I am going to refer to her as Sue, for the purpose of confidentiality) The symptoms started for this patient at a time of extreme stress, both physically and emotionally.
Within 6 weeks, by addressing physical stresses (avoiding food allergens, reducing her work load and increasing her rest time), taking anti-inflammatory nutrients and herbs, and listening to her body (getting in touch with her authentic self), this patient has recovered by more then 50 %, without conventional medications.
What does it mean to be "authentic?" In short, it means to make choices that are consistent with your needs and goals (instead of choices made out of fear).
It takes great courage to say "no" to activities, foods and people that may take you away from your self, your goals, and the things that will help you to stay healthy.
Or does it? From those of you who have mastered the skill of saying no and setting limits, I clearly hear that you can't imagine it any other way.
After all, every time we say no to one thing, we are saying yes to something else.
Might as well say yes to you! Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom first, before we are motivated to shift our focus and make for true change.
This is exactly what happened for Sue.
She told me today how it was within 24 hours of feeling her very worst that things started to improve.
What is the perfect combination of things that lead to healing? I find that it is a little different for each person, and that it always helps to address emotional stress...
which comes down to fears.
We all have underlying fears that keep us stuck.
It is through identification of these fears and the core beliefs that create them, that we can transform our health and our life.
I just finished reading a book that I highly recommend for everyone looking to be more authentic and to address fears.
"Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life" By Lauren Mackler.
Whether you are in a relationship or not, it is really about developing the best relationship with your self.
Find more about it at http://www.
com I am here to support each of you in your process of discovering what it is that your body needs to find balance.
It is rewarding, and an honor, for me to work with you.
Mental, emotional and spiritual well-being are paramount to achieving your wellness goals.
As many of you know, my passion is in understanding how each of our bodies respond to stress, the health conditions that result, and how to provide the support needed to bring our bodies back to balance.
In my clinical experience and research, I consistently find that emotional stress has a direct impact on physical health, and that by reducing stress, health is restored.
Patients inspire me everyday through stories of identifying the connection between their physical symptoms and emotional stresses.
I would like to share the story of a patient who was recently diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a painful and debilitating condition that is considered to have no cure in conventional medical practice.
(I am going to refer to her as Sue, for the purpose of confidentiality) The symptoms started for this patient at a time of extreme stress, both physically and emotionally.
Within 6 weeks, by addressing physical stresses (avoiding food allergens, reducing her work load and increasing her rest time), taking anti-inflammatory nutrients and herbs, and listening to her body (getting in touch with her authentic self), this patient has recovered by more then 50 %, without conventional medications.
What does it mean to be "authentic?" In short, it means to make choices that are consistent with your needs and goals (instead of choices made out of fear).
It takes great courage to say "no" to activities, foods and people that may take you away from your self, your goals, and the things that will help you to stay healthy.
Or does it? From those of you who have mastered the skill of saying no and setting limits, I clearly hear that you can't imagine it any other way.
After all, every time we say no to one thing, we are saying yes to something else.
Might as well say yes to you! Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom first, before we are motivated to shift our focus and make for true change.
This is exactly what happened for Sue.
She told me today how it was within 24 hours of feeling her very worst that things started to improve.
What is the perfect combination of things that lead to healing? I find that it is a little different for each person, and that it always helps to address emotional stress...
which comes down to fears.
We all have underlying fears that keep us stuck.
It is through identification of these fears and the core beliefs that create them, that we can transform our health and our life.
I just finished reading a book that I highly recommend for everyone looking to be more authentic and to address fears.
"Solemate: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life" By Lauren Mackler.
Whether you are in a relationship or not, it is really about developing the best relationship with your self.
Find more about it at http://www.
com I am here to support each of you in your process of discovering what it is that your body needs to find balance.
It is rewarding, and an honor, for me to work with you.