Symptoms Of Bipolar Disorder
Thanks to sites such as Bipolar Central there is now a high awareness of what bipolar is and how to recognize and act on the symptoms before it can affect a person completely. Bipolar can also be known as manic depression, as sufferers of bipolar disorder are known to go into states of mind known as mania. This is because the ideas that people with bipolar have are often disproportionate to the real world.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be easily recognized. These are mainly well known as feeling extremely happy and over optimistic about things and then changing to feeling extremely low and irritable, feelings of hopelessness. Another common symptom is to have unrealistic thoughts or ideas about powers and abilities, talking at a high speed so others are unable to join in the conversation, irregular sleep pattern but unusually hyperactive, this also conjoins with being easily distracted and having a difficulty to concentrate on simple tasks, impaired judgment and feeling impulsive to do things the person wouldnt normally do. This also conjoins with acting recklessly and not being aware of the consequences of actions done.
The list goes on for symptoms of bipolar disorder and they do differ from plain depression symptoms. Sufferers from this disorder often go into high functioning, high cognitive ability states which is unusual from their normal behavior. Sufferers from plain depression will not feel this way, instead a feeling of low mood and low self worth will be felt along with the inability to motivate ones self.
Even though bipolar disorder is still not accepted by some people, many now accept that there are many sufferers among us and it is nothing to fear. It is now a natural part of society, as it can be passed down through gene pools and it is not only society and culture to blame.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder can be easily recognized. These are mainly well known as feeling extremely happy and over optimistic about things and then changing to feeling extremely low and irritable, feelings of hopelessness. Another common symptom is to have unrealistic thoughts or ideas about powers and abilities, talking at a high speed so others are unable to join in the conversation, irregular sleep pattern but unusually hyperactive, this also conjoins with being easily distracted and having a difficulty to concentrate on simple tasks, impaired judgment and feeling impulsive to do things the person wouldnt normally do. This also conjoins with acting recklessly and not being aware of the consequences of actions done.
The list goes on for symptoms of bipolar disorder and they do differ from plain depression symptoms. Sufferers from this disorder often go into high functioning, high cognitive ability states which is unusual from their normal behavior. Sufferers from plain depression will not feel this way, instead a feeling of low mood and low self worth will be felt along with the inability to motivate ones self.
Even though bipolar disorder is still not accepted by some people, many now accept that there are many sufferers among us and it is nothing to fear. It is now a natural part of society, as it can be passed down through gene pools and it is not only society and culture to blame.