Program Review - Panduan Kembara"s Misi Jutawan (Millionaire"s Mission)
This program has been around for years here in Malaysia but Malaysians barely knew anything about it.
That was last year.
Now Malaysians everywhere are talking about it after seeing ads about this program on Google.
Suddenly we have a lot of questions being thrown in many Malaysian internet marketing forums questioning the legitimacy of this program.
So far Sahabatul Ventures have not receive any queries or questions on this program from our site visitors but we have been talking about this program among ourselves for quite a while and I feel that it is best that we share what we knew with the rest of the world.
The program's mini site indicated that the program is run by a business entity by the name of Panduan Kembara Sdn Bhd (equivalent to a Private Limited company) bearing Malaysian Company Reference No 635889-V.
A quick query on the Companies Commission of Malaysia's database revealed that there is such a company registered under that name.
However, as of time of writing I could not confirm whether the company is really the mastermind of this program.
The secret of Panduan Kembara's Misi Jutawan online money making program is currently put on sale at Malaysian Ringgit $50.
00 and come with a 60-day money back guarantee.
It is clearly stated in their program's mini site that anyone dissatisfied with the product can ask for a full refund within the stipulated time.
When I took a closer look at their program's mini site, I could at least understand why some Malaysians are doubtful about the legitimacy of the program.
Unlike any other online money making programs, Panduan Kembara's Misi Jutawan did not really provide tell tale clues or hints on their money making strategies and methods.
A good and experienced online marketer of online money making programs knew that in order to capture the interest of potential customers, they must at least provide generic clues and hints on how their system work so that potential customers can think and decide for themselves whether or not it is worth investing.
Unfortunately for this particular program, the only given clues and hints are that it is not involving any get-rich-quick internet investment schemes that is now under close scrutiny by the Malaysian National Bank (Bank Negara) or MLM (Multi Level Marketing).
Now, that could mean anything! Heaven knows what this program is all about.
Your guess is as good as mine.
It could be about making money through affiliate programs, pyramid chain letters (take note that such programs are illegal under current US Postal and Federal Trade Commission regulations) or even selling eBooks! So many questions unanswered here.
The part that got most Malaysians talking is the fact that this program claims that anyone can make:Malaysian Ringgit $200 in 5 minutes! Malaysian Ringgit $2,000 in 15 minutes! Malaysian Ringgit $100,000 in 5 hours! Malaysian Ringgit $1,000,000 in 5 days! (This is the biggest bomb all right!) Many Malaysian Bloggers specializing on Internet Marketing who thinks that they are experts in the field simply because they are playing around with Google AdSense and affiliate programs all laughed at it.
As for me, I'm keeping my skepticism well under control for I know that it is not entirely impossible to generate that much amount of money in a short time on the internet.
As matter of fact, I personally knew someone who made thousands of dollars in a week and later became a silent millionaire all within 16 months! I have highlighted this in one of my articles before.
We have a few mega traffic building websites nowadays that can provide genuine free and paid solutions to generate millions of traffic for any website.
Let's do a little math now, let's say that a mere 3% from a million of that traffic converts into actual sales and you are selling your product at USD $50.
That's an easy USD$1.
5 million of hard cash! So, do not simply dismiss this entirely for it does have a very genuine mathematical possibility.
I also noticed that a few Malaysian websites have hit pretty hard on Panduan Kembara's Misi Jutawan online money making program.
One good example that I could highlight here is a report published by Ltone2u Dot Com.
Ltone2u Dot Com even went to the extent of analyzing a screenshot of a bank savings account that supposedly belongs to the person behind this online money making program.
Yes, I do agree with Ltone2u Dot Com's opinion that the screenshot may have been doctored but it doesn't really prove anything.
There are many reasons why people wants to doctor documents and images but we can't simply assume that they are doing it for some dark purposes.
Never jump into any conclusions unnecessarily.
I know that this article would some day be read by many Malaysians and I do hope that some of them would be the people behind this online money making program.
If you are reading this today, I would strongly recommend that you would do everything you can to clear some misunderstandings about your online money making program.
There are too many Malaysians that are questioning the legitimacy of your program and you must respond to their questions as soon as possible.
If you are really running a legitimate business and you are also selling legitimate online money making knowledge and know-how to the public, you have no reasons whatsoever to be scared of facing their allegations.
Make them understand more about your program and avoid any situations that could inflict more harm than good for your business.
Some other reviewers may have given their thumbs down on this program but I am not going to do that today.
At least not until I have all the details about this online money making program.
For now, I'm giving this program a big question mark and those who are interested in purchasing their secret formula are advised to proceed with caution.
Submit as many queries and questions to Panduan Kembara and find out whether or not they are giving you satisfactory answers.
You can tell whether they have a good product or otherwise from there.
To those that have bought their product, I would like to hear your opinion on it.
Do you find Misi Jutawan's secret online money making formula plausible and true? Please place your vote here.
That was last year.
Now Malaysians everywhere are talking about it after seeing ads about this program on Google.
Suddenly we have a lot of questions being thrown in many Malaysian internet marketing forums questioning the legitimacy of this program.
So far Sahabatul Ventures have not receive any queries or questions on this program from our site visitors but we have been talking about this program among ourselves for quite a while and I feel that it is best that we share what we knew with the rest of the world.
The program's mini site indicated that the program is run by a business entity by the name of Panduan Kembara Sdn Bhd (equivalent to a Private Limited company) bearing Malaysian Company Reference No 635889-V.
A quick query on the Companies Commission of Malaysia's database revealed that there is such a company registered under that name.
However, as of time of writing I could not confirm whether the company is really the mastermind of this program.
The secret of Panduan Kembara's Misi Jutawan online money making program is currently put on sale at Malaysian Ringgit $50.
00 and come with a 60-day money back guarantee.
It is clearly stated in their program's mini site that anyone dissatisfied with the product can ask for a full refund within the stipulated time.
When I took a closer look at their program's mini site, I could at least understand why some Malaysians are doubtful about the legitimacy of the program.
Unlike any other online money making programs, Panduan Kembara's Misi Jutawan did not really provide tell tale clues or hints on their money making strategies and methods.
A good and experienced online marketer of online money making programs knew that in order to capture the interest of potential customers, they must at least provide generic clues and hints on how their system work so that potential customers can think and decide for themselves whether or not it is worth investing.
Unfortunately for this particular program, the only given clues and hints are that it is not involving any get-rich-quick internet investment schemes that is now under close scrutiny by the Malaysian National Bank (Bank Negara) or MLM (Multi Level Marketing).
Now, that could mean anything! Heaven knows what this program is all about.
Your guess is as good as mine.
It could be about making money through affiliate programs, pyramid chain letters (take note that such programs are illegal under current US Postal and Federal Trade Commission regulations) or even selling eBooks! So many questions unanswered here.
The part that got most Malaysians talking is the fact that this program claims that anyone can make:
As for me, I'm keeping my skepticism well under control for I know that it is not entirely impossible to generate that much amount of money in a short time on the internet.
As matter of fact, I personally knew someone who made thousands of dollars in a week and later became a silent millionaire all within 16 months! I have highlighted this in one of my articles before.
We have a few mega traffic building websites nowadays that can provide genuine free and paid solutions to generate millions of traffic for any website.
Let's do a little math now, let's say that a mere 3% from a million of that traffic converts into actual sales and you are selling your product at USD $50.
That's an easy USD$1.
5 million of hard cash! So, do not simply dismiss this entirely for it does have a very genuine mathematical possibility.
I also noticed that a few Malaysian websites have hit pretty hard on Panduan Kembara's Misi Jutawan online money making program.
One good example that I could highlight here is a report published by Ltone2u Dot Com.
Ltone2u Dot Com even went to the extent of analyzing a screenshot of a bank savings account that supposedly belongs to the person behind this online money making program.
Yes, I do agree with Ltone2u Dot Com's opinion that the screenshot may have been doctored but it doesn't really prove anything.
There are many reasons why people wants to doctor documents and images but we can't simply assume that they are doing it for some dark purposes.
Never jump into any conclusions unnecessarily.
I know that this article would some day be read by many Malaysians and I do hope that some of them would be the people behind this online money making program.
If you are reading this today, I would strongly recommend that you would do everything you can to clear some misunderstandings about your online money making program.
There are too many Malaysians that are questioning the legitimacy of your program and you must respond to their questions as soon as possible.
If you are really running a legitimate business and you are also selling legitimate online money making knowledge and know-how to the public, you have no reasons whatsoever to be scared of facing their allegations.
Make them understand more about your program and avoid any situations that could inflict more harm than good for your business.
Some other reviewers may have given their thumbs down on this program but I am not going to do that today.
At least not until I have all the details about this online money making program.
For now, I'm giving this program a big question mark and those who are interested in purchasing their secret formula are advised to proceed with caution.
Submit as many queries and questions to Panduan Kembara and find out whether or not they are giving you satisfactory answers.
You can tell whether they have a good product or otherwise from there.
To those that have bought their product, I would like to hear your opinion on it.
Do you find Misi Jutawan's secret online money making formula plausible and true? Please place your vote here.