Affordable Handcrafted Merchandise and Customer Service, Satisfaction, and Quality
Customer service, satisfaction, and quality merchandise - these are old-fashioned ideas that still apply in the era of online shopping, and indeed, may be more important than ever, regardless of your generation - Y, X, Baby Boomer, or Mature.
If you are looking for almost anything, from bargains on top-grade commercial items to affordable, custom-made, handcrafted items today, the web can be absolutely the best place to shop.
It offers a nearly boundless array of niche markets that cater to every whim and taste.
In seconds, it can put you in touch with a skilled artisan hundreds or thousands of miles away.
Or, it can even link you to that home-town artist you did not know was there.
However, unlike traditional brick-and-mortar retail shops in which you can go in to see, feel, touch, smell, or even try on the product while meeting and interacting with a real person, shopping on the web is a virtual experience at best.
The images of the handcrafted items may be great, and the words simply splendid in their description of them.
But, still, it is not the same as being there.
This article will focus on the concepts of customer service and satisfaction, primarily as they apply to shopping of the web for affordable, custom-made handcrafted items.
So, how can you be confident before you buy that your web shopping experience for a product or custom handcrafted item will be a great experience? Let's begin with "customer service.
" Start by reading for the "flavor" of the website in the "About Us" section.
Do they have a mission statement? If so, what does it focus on, you the customer and your satisfaction, or is it some vague and mushy thing that sounds good but has no real meaning for you? Do they tell you about the artists or craftsmen, their experiences, training, and backgrounds, source materials, inspirations, approaches to design, and the like? If you are looking for a commercial product or a custom handmade design of any sort, be it jewelry, clothing, art, etc.
, do they ask for your input? How? Does the language on the site appear to be both inviting and convincing? For a custom handcrafted item, do they provide you some easy to answer questions about color or design, size, the occasion for which the item is intended (for example, birthday gift, wedding gift, religious holiday, etc.
?), or other features related to the item? How about questions regarding what your gift recipient likes and dislikes, such as colors, shapes, materials, etc? Will they provide you a sketch or digital photograph of your desired item before they send it to you? What sorts of questions are on the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page? Are they consistent with the other explanations on the site? What is their return policy? Do they use words like "no hassle," "unconditional customer satisfaction guaranteed," or "your money back?" If you special order a custom-made handcrafted item, do they offer you a photograph to show you the product before they ship it? And, even if they do that, do they promise to accept it back and refund your money if you find it is not what you want when you receive it? That is a real test of commitment to unconditional customer service and satisfaction.
Do they provide a comments page for customer feedback? Do they belong to local business associations such as the Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau? Note that these are all really the same kinds of things we have come to expect in the better brick-and-mortar establishments that provide custom handmade items and that are committed to customer service and satisfaction.
Now, as you have read all this, I am sure that you are asking yourself the question, "So how can I really know if this particular web merchant really means what they have written on the website? After all, I can visit the brick-and-mortar store and talk to them in person.
" The answer is easy.
Go to the "Contact Us" page and do just that - contact them.
Whether it be by email or telephone, the response you get - or do not get - will reveal virtually everything you want to know about how sincere and knowledgeable the merchant is.
Ask them questions about their backgrounds or experiences and their products.
For example, for handcrafted products, ask how they make them.
Do not ask for trade secrets or proprietary ideas, but do ask general questions about what they do, perhaps the materials they use.
Ask them how they will work with you on designing your custom handcrafted item.
Their answers will immediately tell you whether or not they know their craft and will give you valuable insights into the character and customer-orientation of the business, their commitment to customer service and satisfaction.
As for "quality," by now it should be clear that anyone offering such unconditional guarantees for affordable custom handcrafted items on the web must be focused on producing and selling quality products.
Knowing what to look for and ask about to determine product quality will be the subject of my next article.
It will address important questions about both brand name products - counterfeiting is getting to be more of a problem in many areas - as well as custom handcrafted items.
Until next time, thank you for your time and attention.
If you are looking for almost anything, from bargains on top-grade commercial items to affordable, custom-made, handcrafted items today, the web can be absolutely the best place to shop.
It offers a nearly boundless array of niche markets that cater to every whim and taste.
In seconds, it can put you in touch with a skilled artisan hundreds or thousands of miles away.
Or, it can even link you to that home-town artist you did not know was there.
However, unlike traditional brick-and-mortar retail shops in which you can go in to see, feel, touch, smell, or even try on the product while meeting and interacting with a real person, shopping on the web is a virtual experience at best.
The images of the handcrafted items may be great, and the words simply splendid in their description of them.
But, still, it is not the same as being there.
This article will focus on the concepts of customer service and satisfaction, primarily as they apply to shopping of the web for affordable, custom-made handcrafted items.
So, how can you be confident before you buy that your web shopping experience for a product or custom handcrafted item will be a great experience? Let's begin with "customer service.
" Start by reading for the "flavor" of the website in the "About Us" section.
Do they have a mission statement? If so, what does it focus on, you the customer and your satisfaction, or is it some vague and mushy thing that sounds good but has no real meaning for you? Do they tell you about the artists or craftsmen, their experiences, training, and backgrounds, source materials, inspirations, approaches to design, and the like? If you are looking for a commercial product or a custom handmade design of any sort, be it jewelry, clothing, art, etc.
, do they ask for your input? How? Does the language on the site appear to be both inviting and convincing? For a custom handcrafted item, do they provide you some easy to answer questions about color or design, size, the occasion for which the item is intended (for example, birthday gift, wedding gift, religious holiday, etc.
?), or other features related to the item? How about questions regarding what your gift recipient likes and dislikes, such as colors, shapes, materials, etc? Will they provide you a sketch or digital photograph of your desired item before they send it to you? What sorts of questions are on the frequently asked questions (FAQ) page? Are they consistent with the other explanations on the site? What is their return policy? Do they use words like "no hassle," "unconditional customer satisfaction guaranteed," or "your money back?" If you special order a custom-made handcrafted item, do they offer you a photograph to show you the product before they ship it? And, even if they do that, do they promise to accept it back and refund your money if you find it is not what you want when you receive it? That is a real test of commitment to unconditional customer service and satisfaction.
Do they provide a comments page for customer feedback? Do they belong to local business associations such as the Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau? Note that these are all really the same kinds of things we have come to expect in the better brick-and-mortar establishments that provide custom handmade items and that are committed to customer service and satisfaction.
Now, as you have read all this, I am sure that you are asking yourself the question, "So how can I really know if this particular web merchant really means what they have written on the website? After all, I can visit the brick-and-mortar store and talk to them in person.
" The answer is easy.
Go to the "Contact Us" page and do just that - contact them.
Whether it be by email or telephone, the response you get - or do not get - will reveal virtually everything you want to know about how sincere and knowledgeable the merchant is.
Ask them questions about their backgrounds or experiences and their products.
For example, for handcrafted products, ask how they make them.
Do not ask for trade secrets or proprietary ideas, but do ask general questions about what they do, perhaps the materials they use.
Ask them how they will work with you on designing your custom handcrafted item.
Their answers will immediately tell you whether or not they know their craft and will give you valuable insights into the character and customer-orientation of the business, their commitment to customer service and satisfaction.
As for "quality," by now it should be clear that anyone offering such unconditional guarantees for affordable custom handcrafted items on the web must be focused on producing and selling quality products.
Knowing what to look for and ask about to determine product quality will be the subject of my next article.
It will address important questions about both brand name products - counterfeiting is getting to be more of a problem in many areas - as well as custom handcrafted items.
Until next time, thank you for your time and attention.