Tuna Fishing Regulations
- Relive Hemingway's adventures fishing for tuna.Sport Fishing Boat image by Wimbledon from Fotolia.com
Prepare for a tremendous fight and struggle when a tuna hits the end of your line. Sport fishing for tuna is a pinnacle in an angler's career. Hemingway wrote of the thrill in landing these mythic fish, and they are highly sought today by sport fishermen. Tuna fishing is regulated by federal and state agencies. - Fish the Atlantic.atlantic image by V.S from Fotolia.com
Tuna fishing is regulated by the National Marine Fisheries in federal waters. If you are fishing offshore, federal waters extend to a minimum of 3 miles from land. If you are unsure of your location, check the NMFS/NOAA website (see resources.) NMFS allows sport fishing for bluefin tuna (BFT), bigeye, albacore, yellowfin and skipjack. Size to determine catch validity is measured fusing curved fork length (tip of nose to tip of forked tail.) Use 50 CFR part 635 of the NMFS Quick Reference Sheet on their website (see resources) for current bag and size limits for Atlantic tuna. - Head to deep water for tuna.Charter Fishing Boat image by Wimbledon from Fotolia.com
Yellowfin, bluefin, albacore and bigeye tuna thrive in the Pacific Coast waters. In addition to NMFS and NOAA rules, California has its own set of rules for tuna fishing. Section 1.49 of the California regulations define tuna as "highly migratory." California rules stipulate that "The owner or operator of a boat shall submit to the nearest department office a Declaration for Multiday Fishing Trip and payment as specified in Section 701." If you are planning a multiday tuna fishing trip, you must file your trip and payment. - Fish the pelagic waters off the Hawaiian Islands.hawaii image by csaba fikker from Fotolia.com
Hawaiian tuna fishing is governed by the Hawaiian Division of Aquatic Resources (HDAR) along with NMFS. When fishing the deep waters, check with HDAR for current rules regarding tuna fishing (see resources.). Hawaii does routine recreational fishing surveys and you may be asked to participate if you are tuna fishing.
Atlantic Sport Fishing
Pacific Sport Fishing