Vitamins for Bacterial Vaginosis
- Vitamin A is often used for infections due to its immune-boosting benefits. According to Phyllis Balch CNC, in her book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," vitamin A is helpful in an array of infections but especially those of the kidneys, lungs and mucous membranes. Because the vagina is mainly comprised of mucous membranes, vitamin A can be quite helpful against bacterial vaginosis. It also helps to repair and maintain epithelial tissues which make up mucous membranes.
Large amounts of vitamin A, 100,000 IU and over, are harmful to the liver. If you have liver disease, do not exceed a daily dose of 10,000 IU vitamin A. - Vitamin B complex is necessary for the health of the entire system. It is also important for resisting infection. B vitamins can be especially helpful in the recovery of bacterial vaginosis since antibiotics can cause vitamin B deficiency. Thiamine, vitamin B1, is especially vulnerable to antibiotics, anti-seizure and sulfa drugs, oral contraceptives, caffeine and alcohol. It is more effective to take a vitamin B complex since all of the B vitamins work complementary to each other.
- Vitamin C has been known for years as an immune booster for colds and influenza. It is just as beneficial for bacterial infections. Vitamin C enhances immune function and aids in the growth and repair of tissue. It has the added benefit of enhancing the actions of vitamin E and beta-carotene and works best when taken together with these vitamins. Vitamin C does not stay in the body for long. However, there are extended-release vitamin C products available.
- According to the Women's Interagency HIV Study, vitamin D deficiency may be associated with developing bacterial vaginosis, although further studies are required for confirmation. Due to its immune-enhancing benefits, vitamin D is helpful for bacterial infections. Unfortunately, many people may not be getting enough vitamin D from their diet or environment. Winter sunlight does not provide the radiation that produces vitamin D to the upper third of the United States. Food sources may also be inadequate as they require several conversions in the body to become activated.
- Vitamin E also has healing benefits for bacterial vaginosis. It aids in tissue repair and increases the effectiveness of vitamin C. Vitamin E is best absorbed from a natural source and not a synthetic form of vitamin E.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E