Idaho Bait Fish Regulations
- Idaho considers a crayfish a game fish, but regulations allow its use as bait.crayfish image by Vladimir Gurov from
Anglers do not have the option of rigging their fishing lines with live bait fish in Idaho. You can utilize dead fish as bait, as well as the parts of dead fish, but hooking a live bait fish---a common practice in many other states-- is unlawful. Certain regulations exist in Idaho that concern bait fish. Anglers should familiarize themselves with these rules before venturing to Idaho for a fishing experience. - Idaho's prohibition of the use of live fish as bait for fishing include the species that are common bait fish. This includes such types as shiners, chubs, suckers and other types classified as and belonging to the minnow family. Idaho regulations do not allow anyone without a permit to import live bait fish such as minnows into the state. Idaho law does not permit the transportation or possession of live fish, including bait fish, within the state.
- Many states consider crayfish viable bait. Idaho classifies the crayfish as a game fish, along with frogs. However, Idaho will allow an angler to employ crayfish as bait. The stipulation is that the angler can only use crayfish as bait in the same water in which she captures them. For example, catching crayfish in a stream and then using them as bait in that stream is legal. Bringing them to another stream and using them as bait is unlawful.
- Regulations do permit the use of a seine net, minnow net or minnow trap in Idaho waters for capturing non-game fish, including bait fish species. The seine nets are only legal if they do not exceed a width of 10 feet or a length of 10 feet. You may deploy as many as five minnow traps at any time, but none of these traps may be over two feet long, two feet high or two feet wide. Some minnow traps have irregular dimensions; Idaho regulations consider this and state that as long as the trap does not possess a volume greater than eight cubic feet, you may use it. Minnow traps require tags bearing your name and address. Once you catch minnows and other bait fish, you must quickly dispatch them. Crayfish however, can be kept alive and used for bait, but only in the body of water or waterway in which they were caught.
No Live Bait Fish
Crayfish as Bait
Catching Bait Fish