2009 New Years Resolution
All the Very Best Wishes for a Blessed, Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Happy New Year in 2010! Above and beyond the pleasant ritual of good will and best wishes, here's wishing that you'll have success facing the oncoming personal successes, and global successes and the inevitable personal and global difficulties that are certainly present, but not insurmountable.
Human beings are great at coming out of adversity, having centuries of experience with wars, invasions, plagues, poverty, tyrants and tragedy.
Life has always had devastation and life has always known celebration, to say the least...
life is resilience, life is innovation, life is dedication and life is perseverance.
Health, relationships, finances and confidence are all important, but not all equal.
Your health is the foundation for all that is of value and worth.
We all need to take an active role in being healthy, our health is our responsibility, we are the master commanders of our body, our attitude and our spirit.
Treat your body, mind and spirit with the respect and adoration it deserves and you will be rewarded.
Relationships are better when you're feeling healthy.
Finances are more robust when you're feeling healthy.
Confidence is stronger when you're feeling healthy.
The one thing we truly control is our own actions or inactions.
Some of us may be sick, some of us may be sad, some of us may be scared.
all of us have one thing in common.
We CAN and we WILL come out of any adversity.
We are all somehow, some way pre programmed to rise to the occasion regardless of circumstance, obstacle or fear.
We are all perfect creatures with perfect bodies and genius minds.
Human beings are amazing creatures.
We can all choose to live healthier, We can all choose to be happier, we can all choose to have greater courage.
Every behavior and every action is a choice.
Our choices result in outcomes.
All outcomes have a measurable result that can be translated into an adversity or success.
We should always learn from the adversity face and be grateful for the success we experience.
Adversity or success should bring all of us to meditate on the true values of our life, reflect on how we can be better human beings, and enlighten us on how we can make the world just a little bit better for everyone and everything.
This meditation and reflection can make us better human beings.
We can focus more attention to what's going on right around us, focus more attention to our own life's purpose and pay less attention to the media and what they are saying to us or trying to sell us..
Joy in life is being more open to human, animal and environmental relationships.
You already know what is meaningful, you already know what is valuable.
The joy of sharing, the joy of giving, the joy of LIVING! Tomorrow we'll look back and say that what's been happening right now in the world is actually good for us, it is exactly what we needed in this moment in time..
there are no coincidences, there are no accidents.
What is happening now is what is shaping our future.
Is your future predictable? ABSOLUTELY & POSITIVELY YES! Your future is predicated on the very choices you're making right now - or not making! Choosing to be healthy, choosing to be giving, choosing to be full of kindness takes effort & work, but the reward is personal peace and fulfillment.
Now that's what I call winning the lottery! Surviving this life is easy, a thriving life is labor intensive, but well worth the effort.
People around you are worth the effort.
You're worth the effort.
Every living moment is an opportunity to reposition things into their right order of priority! Every moment is a new opportunity to succeed.
Take a personal inventory of what is really important to you.
Nurture and cultivate what is important and enjoy the beauty that blossoms before you.
Make some JOY in your life, sing louder, stop and actually smell a flower, dance more often, take a walk in the rain, go to the beach in January, give a smile to someone with a frown, hold the door open for a stranger, let the driver go in front of you with a welcoming wave, open your arms to a positive energy that is readily available and abundant on this big round planet we live on.
We are all earth's creatures created by a higher source with a totally innate full time connection to all things living, past and about to be.
Kindness is our gift to give so that we may be given the gift of eternal wealth.
Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are; what could have been.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you know you can accomplish right now.
This is your life, this is your time to thrive, your time to live, your time to shine.
Be the light that illuminates your own path, it is in you, the light is in all of us.
Best of Luck in the New Year, and "In Bocca all lupo" (e crepi!) as they say in Italian! Cheers to the evolution that is your personal revolution.
There are no excuses, ONLY SUCCESS! Happy New Year!
Human beings are great at coming out of adversity, having centuries of experience with wars, invasions, plagues, poverty, tyrants and tragedy.
Life has always had devastation and life has always known celebration, to say the least...
life is resilience, life is innovation, life is dedication and life is perseverance.
Health, relationships, finances and confidence are all important, but not all equal.
Your health is the foundation for all that is of value and worth.
We all need to take an active role in being healthy, our health is our responsibility, we are the master commanders of our body, our attitude and our spirit.
Treat your body, mind and spirit with the respect and adoration it deserves and you will be rewarded.
Relationships are better when you're feeling healthy.
Finances are more robust when you're feeling healthy.
Confidence is stronger when you're feeling healthy.
The one thing we truly control is our own actions or inactions.
Some of us may be sick, some of us may be sad, some of us may be scared.
all of us have one thing in common.
We CAN and we WILL come out of any adversity.
We are all somehow, some way pre programmed to rise to the occasion regardless of circumstance, obstacle or fear.
We are all perfect creatures with perfect bodies and genius minds.
Human beings are amazing creatures.
We can all choose to live healthier, We can all choose to be happier, we can all choose to have greater courage.
Every behavior and every action is a choice.
Our choices result in outcomes.
All outcomes have a measurable result that can be translated into an adversity or success.
We should always learn from the adversity face and be grateful for the success we experience.
Adversity or success should bring all of us to meditate on the true values of our life, reflect on how we can be better human beings, and enlighten us on how we can make the world just a little bit better for everyone and everything.
This meditation and reflection can make us better human beings.
We can focus more attention to what's going on right around us, focus more attention to our own life's purpose and pay less attention to the media and what they are saying to us or trying to sell us..
Joy in life is being more open to human, animal and environmental relationships.
You already know what is meaningful, you already know what is valuable.
The joy of sharing, the joy of giving, the joy of LIVING! Tomorrow we'll look back and say that what's been happening right now in the world is actually good for us, it is exactly what we needed in this moment in time..
there are no coincidences, there are no accidents.
What is happening now is what is shaping our future.
Is your future predictable? ABSOLUTELY & POSITIVELY YES! Your future is predicated on the very choices you're making right now - or not making! Choosing to be healthy, choosing to be giving, choosing to be full of kindness takes effort & work, but the reward is personal peace and fulfillment.
Now that's what I call winning the lottery! Surviving this life is easy, a thriving life is labor intensive, but well worth the effort.
People around you are worth the effort.
You're worth the effort.
Every living moment is an opportunity to reposition things into their right order of priority! Every moment is a new opportunity to succeed.
Take a personal inventory of what is really important to you.
Nurture and cultivate what is important and enjoy the beauty that blossoms before you.
Make some JOY in your life, sing louder, stop and actually smell a flower, dance more often, take a walk in the rain, go to the beach in January, give a smile to someone with a frown, hold the door open for a stranger, let the driver go in front of you with a welcoming wave, open your arms to a positive energy that is readily available and abundant on this big round planet we live on.
We are all earth's creatures created by a higher source with a totally innate full time connection to all things living, past and about to be.
Kindness is our gift to give so that we may be given the gift of eternal wealth.
Of all the words of tongue and pen, the saddest are; what could have been.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you know you can accomplish right now.
This is your life, this is your time to thrive, your time to live, your time to shine.
Be the light that illuminates your own path, it is in you, the light is in all of us.
Best of Luck in the New Year, and "In Bocca all lupo" (e crepi!) as they say in Italian! Cheers to the evolution that is your personal revolution.
There are no excuses, ONLY SUCCESS! Happy New Year!