Adult ADHD Medication - A Four Point List to Maximize Effectiveness and Minimize Size Effects
Sometimes trying to find the perfect adult ADHD medication is a seemingly endless array of doctors visits, medication changes, and dosage adjustments. I understand your frustration and share your pain. Nevertheless, life will go on, so we must pick ourselves up and get back on the bus in attempt to find that one adult ADHD medication that will help us overcome those problematic adult ADHD symptoms that may have been dogging us for years, such as inattention, impulsive behavior, and restlessness. While this list will not give you a new prescription drug solution, it just might help you to improve your results and minimize those pesky side effects.
*Don't be a sheep: I personally love wool but I don't wish to grow any on my back. Remember by not just nodding and saying yes to your doctor you may be helping him cure you. Learn as much as you can about potential side effects, special warnings, and other over the counter prescription weight loss drugs, decongestants, asthma medications, cold and flu treatments, and steroids which should be avoided when taking any adult ADHD medication. By being able to give your medical professional a true reading of your success or failure he will be able to make adjustments in dosage and adult ADHD medication type.
*Stay away from C: Who is C? Is that short for my nosey neighbor who is always peeking over my fence? Well not unless your name is vitamin E. All humor aside there is an often overlooked and troubling interaction between vitamin C and certain stimulant medications, specifically Ritalin. Ascorbic acid, citric acid, or vitamin C are thought to interfere with the absorption of Ritalin because citric acid breaks down the medication before the body has a chance to absorb it. Talk to your doctor and find out whether you should be avoiding cereals high in vitamin C, fruit juice, and vitamin and mineral supplements during specific times such as just prior to taking Ritalin or an hour afterwards.
*Keep a detailed record: When you are talking about balancing neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain behavioral changes are likely to occur, trading your ADHD in for something even more problematic. Don't allow this to happen! By keeping a detailed diary of how your adult ADHD medication is impacting your emotions, behavior, attention, sleep, appetite, weight, or any new side effect that may have popped up you will be providing your doctor with valuable information to make adjustment early before things get out of hand.
*Cold turkey: Yes, with mustard, pickles, and lettuce please. If you discontinue your medication abruptly you will wish you had a turkey sandwich instead of cold turkey withdrawal symptoms. These will likely include, but not be limited to, depression, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. These adult ADHD medication withdrawal symptoms could last for weeks and the resulting condition is known in medical terms as discontinuation syndrome.
In conclusion finding the right combination of adult ADHD medication and dosage is a moving target filled with a number of serious concerns. Nevertheless, it is important to do your part in helping your doctor help you overcome adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Despite the best efforts of doctors and patients alike the numbers tell us that about 30 percent of the time things don't go as planned. In these instances many people have turned to a drug free approach combining cognitive behavioral therapy with homeopathy for ADHD; an all natural side effect free approach. If your meds aren't working or you are looking for an alternative to adult ADHD medication this powerful one two solution just might be something worth considering.
*Don't be a sheep: I personally love wool but I don't wish to grow any on my back. Remember by not just nodding and saying yes to your doctor you may be helping him cure you. Learn as much as you can about potential side effects, special warnings, and other over the counter prescription weight loss drugs, decongestants, asthma medications, cold and flu treatments, and steroids which should be avoided when taking any adult ADHD medication. By being able to give your medical professional a true reading of your success or failure he will be able to make adjustments in dosage and adult ADHD medication type.
*Stay away from C: Who is C? Is that short for my nosey neighbor who is always peeking over my fence? Well not unless your name is vitamin E. All humor aside there is an often overlooked and troubling interaction between vitamin C and certain stimulant medications, specifically Ritalin. Ascorbic acid, citric acid, or vitamin C are thought to interfere with the absorption of Ritalin because citric acid breaks down the medication before the body has a chance to absorb it. Talk to your doctor and find out whether you should be avoiding cereals high in vitamin C, fruit juice, and vitamin and mineral supplements during specific times such as just prior to taking Ritalin or an hour afterwards.
*Keep a detailed record: When you are talking about balancing neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain behavioral changes are likely to occur, trading your ADHD in for something even more problematic. Don't allow this to happen! By keeping a detailed diary of how your adult ADHD medication is impacting your emotions, behavior, attention, sleep, appetite, weight, or any new side effect that may have popped up you will be providing your doctor with valuable information to make adjustment early before things get out of hand.
*Cold turkey: Yes, with mustard, pickles, and lettuce please. If you discontinue your medication abruptly you will wish you had a turkey sandwich instead of cold turkey withdrawal symptoms. These will likely include, but not be limited to, depression, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, and headaches. These adult ADHD medication withdrawal symptoms could last for weeks and the resulting condition is known in medical terms as discontinuation syndrome.
In conclusion finding the right combination of adult ADHD medication and dosage is a moving target filled with a number of serious concerns. Nevertheless, it is important to do your part in helping your doctor help you overcome adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Despite the best efforts of doctors and patients alike the numbers tell us that about 30 percent of the time things don't go as planned. In these instances many people have turned to a drug free approach combining cognitive behavioral therapy with homeopathy for ADHD; an all natural side effect free approach. If your meds aren't working or you are looking for an alternative to adult ADHD medication this powerful one two solution just might be something worth considering.