Those Were The Days
Looking back to all those years The years of pain and sufferings The years of happiness and tears Listening back to the old songs of mother My heart yearns to feel My body yearns to dance To the tune of the sweet melody Looking back to all those years I long to feel and to always remember The mornings that were filled with dreams The days that were filled with laughter And the nights that were filled with love If only I could go back To all those years Those were the days Walking with the beloved sheep of mine To the river together To enjoy the playtime To smell the sweetness in the open air The days were never bored Not the nights were never dark Because I know I'm loved Those were the days When it was early in the morning And it was time to dig the knowledge Those were the time when I wish I didn't have to go to the river But it was that time That I treasure the most That I keep in my heart That I miss so much Coz those were the days That the money can never buy Missing the old time When mom was a breadwinner When granny raised me to be a girl When I sold nasi lemak at school Just to get a cent or two Appreciating those days I will always be Coz they will never come back to me But in my heart they reside still Oh..
those were the days
those were the days