3D Barcodes Vs. 2D Barcodes
- Both 2D and 3D barcodes store information about a product, including the product's name, cost, weight and inventory number. Businesses use this information to help track inventory.
- 2D barcodes are made up of a series of lines of varying thickness; there is a number at the bottom of some of the lines.
- 3D barcodes look like a group of random black boxes scattered across a white background.
- 2D barcodes have been very popular in the retail industry. Some of the barcodes are printed directly on products (such as books and magazines) while others are printed on a sticker.
- 3D barcodes have gained in popularity in the manufacturing industry. 3D barcodes have proved to hold up better against the extreme heat and chemical environments not found in retail stores.
2D Barcodes
3D Barcodes
Manufacturing Industry