How to Fix Emotional Distance in Marriage
- 1). Address touchy issues. Emotional distance can come from avoidance; if you're not paying attention to your spouse because you're afraid of a fight, you'll create emotional distance. You should confront issues head-on. A fight, or at least a frank discussion, can resolve a problem, while avoiding it just creates more emotional distance.
- 2). Forgive your spouse for a major transgression, if there was one. Emotional distance can come from living in unforgiveness. If you hold a grudge against your spouse for something he or she did in the past you'll create emotional distance. You don't need to forget, but you do need to forgive and start moving forward and letting your spouse back in your life.
- 3). Put time into your marriage. While you and your spouse may both be busy, you need to take time to do things as a couple, with nobody else involved. You don't necessarily need to spend this time hashing out all your issues, but rather just enjoy one another's company and remember why you got married in the first place.
- 4). Be nice. You don't need to be a pushover, but you need to make a concerted effort to avoid snide comments, double meanings and general unpleasantness.
- 5). Engage in constructive conversation together. For example, you could give your highlight and lowlight of each day during dinner. This encourages you to share aspects of your life with your spouse, which re-engages both people emotionally.