What Happens at a Mandatory Divorce Settlement Conference in California?
- Both of the spouses, their attorneys or other authorized persons are expected to appear at the MSC. In California the MSC may be held in front of a judge in his chambers or with a mediator. If all parties in the divorce cannot be represented the MSC may be rescheduled, thus postponing the finalization of the divorce.
- Before the MSC, each spouse's attorney is required to turn in a brief filled with arguments, facts, evidence, good faith settlement demand and itemized finances. The statement should include everything the spouse wants as part of the divorce settlement, including why it should be awarded as requested. The list of itemized finances must include all income, expenses and assets of the spouse.
- During the MSC all parties will discuss acceptable terms of a divorce settlement. The attorneys will discuss options and start working toward an agreeable settlement. Topics of discussion during the MSC include child support, spousal support, visitation and division of property.
- If the two parties cannot reach a settlement a court day will be scheduled and the divorce settlement will be heard in front of a judge. During the trial both attorneys will submit evidence, call witnesses and list demands regarding desired divorce settlement for his client. Divorce trials are generally scheduled within 45 days of the MSC.