Personalized Gifts for Toddlers
- Giving personalized gifts shows that you truly care for the person, since you took the time to have something made especially for him. For parents or grandparents who are looking for gifts to give their special toddlers, personalized gifts can serve as sentimental memorabilia for the little tyke as he grows up.
- A personalized hoodie cover-up is a convenient and practical gift for toddlers. The toddler will feel warm and cozy after a swim in the pool or at the beach when wrapped in the hoodie. Purchase a hoodie cover-up with UPF protection to guarantee the toddler has protection against the sun's ultraviolet rays, as well. Have the toddler's name embroidered onto the hoodie together with a cute graphic design like a flower, dolphin or shark.
- Toddlers are starting to explore their environment with the use of their five senses and are learning things at a fast pace. A personalized name puzzle is a toy wherein the child can pop out from the frame the individual letters and place them back on his own. Personalized name puzzles can come in the form of a board the child places on the floor or table, or even as a stool. Each letter of the name is painted a different color, which makes it useful for teaching colors as well. It takes a while to manufacture personalized name puzzles, so order your gift far enough ahead of time.
- Seeing their name generally thrills young children, since their name is one of the first words they learn. Therefore, your toddler will definitely recognize her name when it is included in a story book. Personalized children's books are a popular choice for a toddler's gift. Twist the entire plot of the story so that your toddler becomes a superhero, a ballerina princess, one of the characters from her favorite cartoon or a baseball hero. Have your personalized children's book published according to every detail you wish to specify.
Hoodie Cover-Ups
Name Puzzles
Children's Books