How to Control Your Frustration
Have you ever wondered why sometimes you feel frustrated with yourself and your situation and you don't know about it? Have you ever wondered why sometimes everything seems to be wrong? Have you ever wondered why sometimes this happen? I have and I believe that everyone sometimes feel frustration in his or her life.
Sometimes it is so great people tend to do something stupid about it.
And I believe everyone will and have been in this kind of situation.
And it is good.
Why? To show us what is still lacking in our life and to make up with it.
And I believe frustration is one of the way nature try to teach us about life.
About ourselves.
To teach us to become a better person and to help us to have a wonderful life.
Wasn't that a good thing.
To know that frustration is our friend.
Our teacher.
But what is the problem with frustration.
It keeps going.
And people tend to become more frustrate and more frustrate and more frustrate.
Why this happen? Research shown that people have the tendency to run away from their problem rather to solve it.
Not consciously but unconsciously.
They try to do everything they can not to solve the problem they have but to forget the problem they have.
And the problem then become bigger and bigger and bigger.
They become more frustrate and more frustrate.
Another reason why people tend to become frustrate is because they just don't know how to deal with their problem.
They don't know what to do and how to deal with it.
They believe that there is no way to solve their problem and it become bigger and bigger.
Everything in our life have solution and often it is more than one solution.
The way we choose our solution and action often will determine your future.
In order to deal with frustration, first we must know the reason why we feel frustrate.
What is the source of the frustration.
But if you don't know what is the cause of your frustration, one of the way to know is to write a journal about your feeling.
Yes, write about your feeling.
Why? Feeling is come from our subconscious mind and often it is the manifestation of our thinking.
Maybe you know about it subconsciously about your problem.
By writing, it will force your mind to take all your subconscious feeling into conscious and often it bring the cause of your frustration into your writing.
Once you know the cause of your frustration, then you can deal with your frustration.
One of the best way to ease and solve your problem is by sharing with your family and friends.
Another way is to search in the internet all the information you need about your frustration and people that have gone through similar problem like yours and how they deal with it.
As an old saying "Know your enemy and you will know your friends"
Sometimes it is so great people tend to do something stupid about it.
And I believe everyone will and have been in this kind of situation.
And it is good.
Why? To show us what is still lacking in our life and to make up with it.
And I believe frustration is one of the way nature try to teach us about life.
About ourselves.
To teach us to become a better person and to help us to have a wonderful life.
Wasn't that a good thing.
To know that frustration is our friend.
Our teacher.
But what is the problem with frustration.
It keeps going.
And people tend to become more frustrate and more frustrate and more frustrate.
Why this happen? Research shown that people have the tendency to run away from their problem rather to solve it.
Not consciously but unconsciously.
They try to do everything they can not to solve the problem they have but to forget the problem they have.
And the problem then become bigger and bigger and bigger.
They become more frustrate and more frustrate.
Another reason why people tend to become frustrate is because they just don't know how to deal with their problem.
They don't know what to do and how to deal with it.
They believe that there is no way to solve their problem and it become bigger and bigger.
Everything in our life have solution and often it is more than one solution.
The way we choose our solution and action often will determine your future.
In order to deal with frustration, first we must know the reason why we feel frustrate.
What is the source of the frustration.
But if you don't know what is the cause of your frustration, one of the way to know is to write a journal about your feeling.
Yes, write about your feeling.
Why? Feeling is come from our subconscious mind and often it is the manifestation of our thinking.
Maybe you know about it subconsciously about your problem.
By writing, it will force your mind to take all your subconscious feeling into conscious and often it bring the cause of your frustration into your writing.
Once you know the cause of your frustration, then you can deal with your frustration.
One of the best way to ease and solve your problem is by sharing with your family and friends.
Another way is to search in the internet all the information you need about your frustration and people that have gone through similar problem like yours and how they deal with it.
As an old saying "Know your enemy and you will know your friends"