3 Myths About Global Warming
Global warming is a highly charged subject, with many claims held strongly by both sides of the debate.
Are these claims accurate? Who is right? Myth #1: There is a scientific debate about climate change.
In science, the only thing that carries weight are the studies published in the peer-reviewed journals, like Nature and Science.
This IS the actual evidence.
Blogs, opinions, and articles are simply that: people's opinions.
The Internet is a fountain of misinformation So what does the peer-reviewed evidence say? It's nearly unanimous in it's support of man-made global warming.
There are very few studies that support a different mechanism.
Opinion polls and surveys of scientists are meaningless; creationists use the same tactics to try to manufacture a phony controversy between evolution and creationism.
This is not how science is done.
Myth #2: Scientists predicted a coming ice age in the 1970s Climate science was still in its infancy in the 1970s, however, a look at the peer-reviewed literature shows that most scientists were predicting warming, a few were saying it was too early to tell, and only a small handful predicted cooling.
A few popular media outlets picked up on the cooling predictions and, needing drama for their stories, promoted the idea that a new ice age was imminent.
For the most part, scientists were predicting warming even back then.
Myth #3: Warming is happening, but its the sun There is no research that supports the sun being the major marker of climate change in the current warming.
Again, there are plenty of opinions, but very little actual research that supports it.
Most research has picked up on an anthropogenic signal in the climate.
Many claims against global warming are myths that are simply recycled over and over, no matter how many times they are debunked.
The only way to know for sure what is going on in the realm of climate science is to read the scientific journals.
Are these claims accurate? Who is right? Myth #1: There is a scientific debate about climate change.
In science, the only thing that carries weight are the studies published in the peer-reviewed journals, like Nature and Science.
This IS the actual evidence.
Blogs, opinions, and articles are simply that: people's opinions.
The Internet is a fountain of misinformation So what does the peer-reviewed evidence say? It's nearly unanimous in it's support of man-made global warming.
There are very few studies that support a different mechanism.
Opinion polls and surveys of scientists are meaningless; creationists use the same tactics to try to manufacture a phony controversy between evolution and creationism.
This is not how science is done.
Myth #2: Scientists predicted a coming ice age in the 1970s Climate science was still in its infancy in the 1970s, however, a look at the peer-reviewed literature shows that most scientists were predicting warming, a few were saying it was too early to tell, and only a small handful predicted cooling.
A few popular media outlets picked up on the cooling predictions and, needing drama for their stories, promoted the idea that a new ice age was imminent.
For the most part, scientists were predicting warming even back then.
Myth #3: Warming is happening, but its the sun There is no research that supports the sun being the major marker of climate change in the current warming.
Again, there are plenty of opinions, but very little actual research that supports it.
Most research has picked up on an anthropogenic signal in the climate.
Many claims against global warming are myths that are simply recycled over and over, no matter how many times they are debunked.
The only way to know for sure what is going on in the realm of climate science is to read the scientific journals.