Sexually Transmitted Diseases: 5 Myths You Must Be Wary Of
Significant strides in medical research and education have debunked STD fallacies that will definitely deliver misinformed persons to unwanted consequences.
Although most teenagers and young adults have been enlightened about these myths, it can always be assumed that there are still some misguided individuals.
For their information and for your reminder, here are some five debunked STD myths.
Myth: 1.
Oral sex guarantees 0% chance of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease.
Truth: 2.
Just like anal and vaginal intercourses, oral sex may also pass on STDs.
This is especially true when there's an open wound in the oral cavity.
Such wound permits transfer of infected blood.
For those active in sex, even if it's just purely oral, STD home test is encouraged.
Undergoing routine STD test immediately identifies and permits the suppression of transmitting diseases early on.
Myth: 1.
STDs are no match against oral contraceptives.
Truth: 2.
Oral contraceptives or birth control pills were not designed to fight sexually transmitted diseases.
Preventing conception is completely different from defending against viral, bacterial or parasitic invasion.
Anyone who relied solely on oral contraception for combating STDs is highly encouraged to undergo a clinical or STD home test.
Condoms have a higher chance of minimizing STD-related risks compared to birth control pills.
Myth: 1.
Herpes is only contagious when there's already an outbreak of sores.
Truth: 2.
Like most STDs, herpes can be transmitted even if the infected individual is not manifesting sores and other characteristic symptoms.
Herpes is a highly contagious viral disease that cannot be suppressed by means that are effective against many other STDs.
Such means include condoms which prevent transmission of sexual fluids.
The herpes virus can either visibly or invisibly reside in portions that cannot be obstructed by condoms.
However, there are available medicines that can control outbreaks and reduce the possibility of viral transmission.
Those who doubt that they are herpes-free can undergo an STD test to safeguard their health and that of their partners.
STD test kit for herpes can be purchased via the Internet.
Myth: 1.
Absence of symptoms automatically translates to absence of STD.
Truth: 2.
This is definitely one of the gravest misconceptions, one can suffer with regards to STDs.
The success of STDs in infecting large numbers of victims can be hugely attributed to their treacherous nature; they don't let their victims know that they're already there.
Most STDs, such as Chlamydia, don't have detectable symptoms.
These diseases can only be detected by STD tests conducted by skilled laboratory technicians or through innovative STD home test kits.
Aside from lacking visible symptoms, several STDs also exhibit symptoms that are frequently attributed to more common and less alarming medical concerns.
A clear illustration will be interpreting a case of bacterial STD gonorrhea as just an ordinary infection of the urinary bladder.
It is also worth mentioning that HIV infection only has flu-like symptoms during its early stages.
One may choose from several STD test kit options for detecting the presence of HIV before full blown AIDS develops.
Myth: 1.
Mankind has already invented medications for completely eliminating all types of STDs.
Truth: 2.
As of now, there are still many STDs that can't just be cured.
Although bacterial STDs can be ended by various antibiotics, no medicine has yet been invented for completely treating a large number of virus-caused STDs.
The viral infections can just be controlled to harmless or slightly damaging levels but the causative agent still resides within the victims.
For example, herpes infection and AIDS last a lifetime.
The medical disaster brought upon by viral STDs can be strongly attributed to their very efficient adaptability; drugs that work on them now may no longer suppress the viruses after a brief while.
To quickly mitigate what can't be cured, early detection using STD test kit is a must.
Although most teenagers and young adults have been enlightened about these myths, it can always be assumed that there are still some misguided individuals.
For their information and for your reminder, here are some five debunked STD myths.
Myth: 1.
Oral sex guarantees 0% chance of acquiring any sexually transmitted disease.
Truth: 2.
Just like anal and vaginal intercourses, oral sex may also pass on STDs.
This is especially true when there's an open wound in the oral cavity.
Such wound permits transfer of infected blood.
For those active in sex, even if it's just purely oral, STD home test is encouraged.
Undergoing routine STD test immediately identifies and permits the suppression of transmitting diseases early on.
Myth: 1.
STDs are no match against oral contraceptives.
Truth: 2.
Oral contraceptives or birth control pills were not designed to fight sexually transmitted diseases.
Preventing conception is completely different from defending against viral, bacterial or parasitic invasion.
Anyone who relied solely on oral contraception for combating STDs is highly encouraged to undergo a clinical or STD home test.
Condoms have a higher chance of minimizing STD-related risks compared to birth control pills.
Myth: 1.
Herpes is only contagious when there's already an outbreak of sores.
Truth: 2.
Like most STDs, herpes can be transmitted even if the infected individual is not manifesting sores and other characteristic symptoms.
Herpes is a highly contagious viral disease that cannot be suppressed by means that are effective against many other STDs.
Such means include condoms which prevent transmission of sexual fluids.
The herpes virus can either visibly or invisibly reside in portions that cannot be obstructed by condoms.
However, there are available medicines that can control outbreaks and reduce the possibility of viral transmission.
Those who doubt that they are herpes-free can undergo an STD test to safeguard their health and that of their partners.
STD test kit for herpes can be purchased via the Internet.
Myth: 1.
Absence of symptoms automatically translates to absence of STD.
Truth: 2.
This is definitely one of the gravest misconceptions, one can suffer with regards to STDs.
The success of STDs in infecting large numbers of victims can be hugely attributed to their treacherous nature; they don't let their victims know that they're already there.
Most STDs, such as Chlamydia, don't have detectable symptoms.
These diseases can only be detected by STD tests conducted by skilled laboratory technicians or through innovative STD home test kits.
Aside from lacking visible symptoms, several STDs also exhibit symptoms that are frequently attributed to more common and less alarming medical concerns.
A clear illustration will be interpreting a case of bacterial STD gonorrhea as just an ordinary infection of the urinary bladder.
It is also worth mentioning that HIV infection only has flu-like symptoms during its early stages.
One may choose from several STD test kit options for detecting the presence of HIV before full blown AIDS develops.
Myth: 1.
Mankind has already invented medications for completely eliminating all types of STDs.
Truth: 2.
As of now, there are still many STDs that can't just be cured.
Although bacterial STDs can be ended by various antibiotics, no medicine has yet been invented for completely treating a large number of virus-caused STDs.
The viral infections can just be controlled to harmless or slightly damaging levels but the causative agent still resides within the victims.
For example, herpes infection and AIDS last a lifetime.
The medical disaster brought upon by viral STDs can be strongly attributed to their very efficient adaptability; drugs that work on them now may no longer suppress the viruses after a brief while.
To quickly mitigate what can't be cured, early detection using STD test kit is a must.