How to Fall Asleep Fast Tonight
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fall asleep fast
Cut back on caffeine. The more caffeine you can eliminate from your diet, the faster you will fall asleep. Caffeine tends to impact sleeping the most at the beginning of the night, keeping you keyed up and alert. If you have a feeling that you want to sleep, but you just cannot, caffeine could be the problem. If you cannot eliminate caffeine completely, try having none in the afternoon. Remember that chocolate has caffeine. If you are having a cup of hot chocolate before bed, it might be keeping you awake! Try a cup of chamomile tea instead. Chamomile has some sedative effects, but avoid it if you are allergic to grass. - 2). Increase your physical exercise. It is important to wear your body out during the day, so that you will be tired and sleep well during the night. Physical activity, whether it is from working out, cleaning your house or doing yard work will help you get a better night sleep.
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relax and fall asleep fast
Relax your mind before bedtime and get yourself into a sleeping mood. Play relaxing music, lower the lights, engage in a relaxing activity. Keep the mood positive and peaceful. - 4). Take a warm bath. Use lavender scented bath products to enhance your feelings of relaxation. Warm water will cause your muscles to relax. A bath is more relaxing than a shower. Because you are lying down in the tub, your muscles relax more deeply.
- 5). Escape intrusive thoughts that plague the mind at bedtime. Handle your responsibilities during the day so that you can be worry-free at night. If it is still a problem, do something to take your mind off your worries. Try doing some crossword puzzles, word search or Sodoku to focus your mind on something else. Prayer is also a great way to cope with anxiety and intrusive thoughts.
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fall asleep fast
Have a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom. Adjust the temperature so that you are not too hot or too cold. Do not go to bed either overstuffed or hungry. If noise is an issue, invest in a white noise machine or run a fan near your bed. - 7). Think pleasant thoughts while you are falling asleep. Picture yourself in a situation that pleases you. Make it something wonderful and pleasant, but not too exciting as that might keep you awake. Focus your mind on happy thoughts and fall asleep fast.