How to Start and Plant Fig Trees
- 1). Locate a healthy fig tree in early spring from which to take a cutting. Get the owner's permission before removing any growth from the tree. Alternatively, purchase a sapling from reputable nursery.
- 2). Locate a leafless branch approximately 10 inches long and about 3/4 inch in diameter and remove it from the tree with sharp pruning shears.
- 3). Choose a container for your cutting. Be sure it has holes in the bottom to allow for water drainage.
- 4). Line the container with newspaper as this will allow the water to drain while keeping the soil from spilling out.
- 5). Fill the container with high quality potting soil. Add water, 1 cup at a time, mixing thoroughly after each cup, until the potting soil is evenly moist, but not wet.
- 6). Insert the cut end of the fig tree branch into the soil. Press lightly around the base of the branch, firming the soil, to hold the cutting in place.
- 7). Set the cutting in a warm, well-lit area and cover with clear plastic. Plant covers can be made by cutting the bottoms off old 2-liter soda bottles and inverting them over the cuttings.
- 8). Check the cutting each day. Wait until the potting soil is extremely dry to add more water.
- 9). Remove the cover and place the young tree outside once it has developed leaves. Place the tree in a sunny location and leave it for one to two hours each day for one week.
- 10
Increase the amount of time the tree is left outdoors by 30 minutes to one hour each day, until the sapling is remaining outside all day and all night. - 11
Choose a planting site for the tree. Select a sunny location where the young tree will receive sunlight for at least eight hours each day. Be sure to plant the fig at least 10 feet away from any other trees to allow for uninterrupted root growth. - 12
Dig a hole approximately twice the width of the container the tree is currently in and about the same depth. - 13
Remove the tree from its container gently, disturbing the roots as little as possible. - 14
Position the tree in the center of the newly dug hole and place handfuls of the excavated dirt around the roots. Press firmly on the loose soil and water periodically to remove any air pockets. Air pockets can cause the plant to shift and lean if left in the soil. Ensure the tree is not planted any deeper than the container it was growing in. - 15
Pile the soil around the base of the tree to hold it in place and then water thoroughly. - 16
Add 2 to 3 inches of mulch around the base of the tree. This will help the soil to retain moisture while suppressing weed growth. Do not allow the mulch materials to come into contact with the tree itself as it inhibits air circulation which is necessary for the healthy growth and development of plant tissues.