What Are Estate Pipes?
- An estate pipe, by the simplest definition, is a pipe that has had one or more previous owners and is being re-sold after a thorough cleaning.
- Estate pipes are often a great deal cheaper than buying a new smoking pipe, costing anywhere from 15 to 75 dollars depending on the rarity and condition of the pipe itself.
- Estate pipes are not only cheaper but may have built up a layer inside of them due to previous smoking that protects the inside of the pipe. This makes them ideal for both beginning pipe smokers and veterans of the activity.
- Like any previously used product, an estate pipe may be damaged or poorly repaired. Before buying an estate pipe examine the mouthpiece, bowl and stem for any signs of a poor repair job or obvious damage.
- Any pipe has the potential to become an estate pipe. No matter how expensive or cheap, old or new a pipe is, it may be resold as an estate pipe, which often makes them prime targets for collectors who are looking for a collectible pipe at a reduced price.